Awaken! Fury of Ultrasonic 4!

"Hopefully you can entertain me somewhat." Anubis said.

Airson closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Rage." he thought to himself. "RAGE."

Airson opened his eyes, they were lit red. Red lightning started flashing all over him.

Anubis looked him in the eyes as he powered himself up. "You have the eyes of someone who's experienced pain. I can feel your anger."

Airson's hair turned red, then red and white. "Super Ultrasonic 2." he said calmly.

The two were silent for a moment.

Suddenly, they threw a punch at each other at the same time with such speed and force that the entire building below them was demolished.

Anubis and Airson continually clashed, their punches generating immense force with each attack.

Airson was moving very quickly, but Anubis could dodge and block his attacks, then counter accordingly with ease.

"Rage isn't enough to take me on, human. I'm a god." Anubis' eyes started glowing red, then the colored part of his eyes began spinning and split into four circles, like he had four irises in each eye. "Eyes of Destruction."

A golf ball-sized orb of red energy formed in the palm of Anubis' hand.

Airson put his hands together in front of him, he was charging a blast.

Anubis threw the ball of energy. "World Devastation."

Airson let off a red beam of negative Sen energy. "Sen Houdan!"

The two attacks collided, causing a massive explosion that left a large crater in the ground.

Airson was standing on the ground, while Anubis was flying above him mid-air.

"Hurraggh!" Airson let off an attack. "Red Laser!"


"Core Destruction Wave!" Anubis sent a blast of dark energy to counter. It easily overpowered the giant laser. Waves of dark energy surrounded Airson, blowing him back.

Anubis yawned. "I'm getting bored. Are you warmed up yet? If this is it then I'll just kill you and move on."

"Tsk, so Super Ultrasonic Two can't compare to gods. Then I'll just have to go up a notch." Airson released his power and went back to his normal self.

"What's wrong? Ran out of gas?" Anubis asked.

Airson braced himself. "Ultrasonic 2 feeds off of rage, it affects my brain to where I don't feel much emotion. Because of that setback, I can't go higher without reverting first. But Ultrasonic 3!!" Airson started charging his energy up. "I have... to feed... off of my strongest... emotions!!!"

Airson started charging neon green lightning all of a sudden. His eyes and hair turned green as well. Instead of his muscles swelling, they actually slimmed down just slightly.

Anubis clapped his hands in enjoyment. "A nice performance, but don't you have a 'Super' form for that as well?"

Airson assumed a fighting stance. "Ultrasonic 3 takes a while to work itself up, but I'm warning you, this is nothing like the last one!"

Anubis flexed his wrist. "Well come on then."

In a blaze of green, Airson charged straight at Anubis. He blazed right past him, clipping his face just enough to make him bleed a little.

Anubis wiped the blood and stared at it. "Hm. It's been how long since I've seen my own blood...?"

Airson came at him again, "Your guard's down!"

Anubis moved in a flash of darkness and kicked Airson in the stomach. He recovered quickly and charged back in. The two exchanged blows for a couple of seconds, then during the trading of blows, Airson turned into Super Ultrasonic 3 mid-fight. His speed and power instantly shot up, catching Anubis off guard.

Airson punched Anubis in his chest, pushing him back several feet, but no damage was done.

"Why is someone like you serving Nyx?" Airson asked.

Anubis looked at him seriously for a second, then answered. "She gave me something to live for. It's something you could never understand. I had nothing in my life worth living for at the time, and I was saved."

Airson got angry. "That's just an excuse! I was born with nothing to live for! Everything was taken from me from the very beginning! I still never sided with evil…!"

"You think I'm evil? Hm, I guess you would from your perspective. But I'm only here to heal my queen. Wouldn't you do the same?"

Airson shook his head. "I would never steal a mother's baby to heal anyone, no matter who it is. I'd find another way."

"You're stuck in an illusion of grandeur, human."



"Airson. My name is Airson."

Anubis laughed and powered himself up greatly. "I only remember the names of those worthy enough to fight me. You haven't shown me anything that special yet!"

Airson charged up too.

"Now, come at me!"

Airson launched in a blaze of green lightning. "HURRRAAAGH!!!"

The two clashed once more. Any normal person wouldn't have even been able to see the majority of the attacks being thrown.

Airson was going as fast as possible, but he couldn't land any more solid hits on Anubis. He was just so strong.

Anubis was talking as they were trading blows. "Who do you fight for? What drives you to push yourself?"

Airson jumped back to catch his breath. Ultrasonic 3 doesn't feed off of his body's energy reserves like the first one does. The fatigue rate is much slower. But even so, Anubis wasn't even going full power.

"Do you have the capacity to surpass your limits at will?" Anubis asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

Anubis held a hand up in the sky. "I am the God of Death. I have the power to easily wipe this country from the map in one blow. What can you do in a situation like this to protect them?"

Anubis flew up in the air. A red mass of energy formed over his head that was the size of a large meteor. It looked like a sun. "Let's see how you evolve in this situation. Betelgeuse."

Airson was astounded. He'd never seen such energy.

Anubis looked down on him. "I'm going to tell you now. You can't destroy this with that green form."

Airson was about to panic. He thought to himself. "He's not bluffing... He'll really wipe out the city! I don't even sense any bloodlust from him at all! He really sees us as worthless, it takes no feeling at all for him to do this!"

Airson braced himself. Through clenched teeth, he started charging his energy as high as he could go. The star slammed him into the ground, vaporizing the rock nearby and creating pools of magma.

"Let's see if you have the capacity of a true warrior. The ability to evolve in battle to adapt to a dire situation." Anubis said. "Betelgeuse is the name of an actual star in the night sky. This attack rivals the real thing in both potency and heat, without copying its actual size. If this touches the Earth, this entire country will disintegrate along with what remaining people are left."

Airson was pushing himself as hard as he could. He was about to lose consciousness from pushing too hard, trying to hold the star up, not letting it hit the ground. The skin was starting to burn away on his hands and arms. "I... I can't do it, I'm gonna faint if I keep this up..." Airson thought about Anubis destroying the city. Nigel, Reesus, Katie, Niwea, the queen and her baby... Pachi as well. Then he thought about Miraka dying. She sacrificed so much for him. She gave up being a Knight just to help take care of him and his house. "I don't want any of them to die! This guy is right in front of me, giving me the challenge to save them, and I'm just gonna faint?! I CAN'T DO THAT!! THE QUEEN ENTRUSTED ME TO PROTECT HER CHILD AND EVERYONE ELSE!!"

Airson stood up straight, yelling. "I CAN'T JUST ROLL OVER AND DIE NOW!!!!"

Green lightning was flaring everywhere now.

Airson couldn't make his energy rise higher, it was like his energy was blocked. But he kept going. He started screaming from the pain of lightning tearing his body apart from the inside-out, veins were appearing all over his body and head. Blood leaked from his pores, covering himself in a deep red as his body was being forced to go beyond its limit.

Then he felt it - the cap burst.

Airson's energy rose tremendously. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. "I'M, NOT, DONE... YET!!!"

The green lightning turned a deep blue and the lightning discharge became more intense than before. The feat caused the power in the entire city to blackout.

Anubis was almost amazed. "You're actually doing it. Yes… this is the heart of a true warrior, but... that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you." He curled his fingers, pushing his star even harder.

Airson stopped yelling, his eyes were pure white now. He grit his teeth. He pushed on the star, throwing it away from him by several meters. A lightning bolt appeared in each of his hands in a flash. They were about six feet long each. He started throwing a barrage of them at the star. Each impact caused a large blue explosion. Every time he threw a lightning bolt, he made another one to throw and kept repeating it.

However, the star was still falling.

It got close to the ground once more. The dirt and rock was turning into lava from the heat.

Airson flew up to the star and started pushing against it, slowly burning himself up from the immense heat. "COME ON!!! ULTRASONIC 4 DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!"

Airson's lightning energy turned into a blue aura that shone in the sky. Even Neo and Nigel could see it from where they were. It looked like a giant red star clashing against a tiny blue star.

Airson was just trying to keep himself conscious. He let one arm go, making a fist. All of the aura he had in his body pulled into his hand. "If this won't work, nothing will!! CRUSHING FIST: ULTRASONIC BOOM!!!"

He struck the star with his fist. The impact instantly shot his aura and lightning all throughout the star. Half of it turned blue.

Airson pushed his fist further in. "COME ON!!!!"

The entire star quickly turned completely blue.

Anubis was now truly amazed. "A human... is destroying my Betelgeuse. Imagine that."

The star could hold the force in no longer. It exploded with a stupendous boom, heard across the entire city.

The explosion superheated the air. The winds crashed down at the speed of sound, and the hot air rose at the same speed. The force shattered the pavement, lava falling through the cracks. It was an apocalyptic scene.

Airson was laying down on his back on a piece of rock, barely conscious. Anubis gracefully flew down to his level.

"So I guess I lost. You're gonna kill me now right?" Airson said hazily.

Anubis stared at him. "There's no point in killing a dead man."

Dark gray storm clouds came together. A furious rainstorm came down. The entire area became steamy from the rain hitting the lava.

"You showed me a true effort of protecting your people, and you're only human. Out of respect for you I will retreat today. Consider this your victory." Anubis started walking away.

"No... I lost... I didn't beat you."

Anubis turned around. His eyes were shining gold. "I am an immortal god. No matter how strong you were, you wouldn't have beaten me. As of today you are the strongest human I've ever traded blows with. Consider it a win, Airson."

Airson managed a smile. "You... remembered my name..."

Anubis walked off as Airson finally lost consciousness.