Neo the God Killer

Nazo stood face to face with Neo. He smirked. "You won't be able to kill me, human." Nazo said.

Neo charged up his pink lightning.

Red energy started emitting from Nazo's body. A purple glowing lemniscate (infinity sign) appeared on his forehead.

Neo reached for his back and drew his sword. His new sword was custom made for him. It was uniquely built and was made for one-handed sword style users.

The two fought.

Nazo was easily dodging Neo's sword strikes, but Neo could easily dodge him as well.

Neo kept the upper hand by using his teleport ability.

Nazo was knocked back. "So you can teleport... interesting. This might actually be fun for once!"

Neo walked towards him. "If you consider your death fun, then sure."

Neo teleported again.

Nazo dodged the attack. He'd gotten faster.

Neo flew up above. Three halos appeared above one another in his hand. "Triple Halo." He threw all three at the same time.

Nazo destroyed all three of them by knocking them away with the back of his hand. He quickly flew up to Neo and threw a kick.

Neo countered with his sword, but was knocked away regardless. He crashed into the church. "Did he just get stronger?"

Nazo walked towards the church with a sphere of red energy in his hand. "World Devastation!!" He threw it into the church. The inside glowed red, followed by a huge explosion.

The church was completely destroyed, and what little debris that remained was up in flames.

Neo was up in the air. He transported before the explosion. "You just said 'World Devastation'. It's ironic because the attack is puny in comparison."

Nazo crossed his arms and looked up at him and smirked. "That attack will still kill any human with a direct hit. But trust me, the real one is much larger. We're not here to destroy the city. Yet."

Neo held out his hand and let out a discharge of lightning that was tearing up the ground. Nazo was dodging the lightning bolts with ease, he seemed to disappear. Then he reappeared next to Neo, who threw a slash attack with his sword down the length of Nazo's chest. But Nazo was unaffected by it, he punched Neo in the face and sent him.

Neo landed on his feet and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Nazo smirked. "You've noticed by now right? That I'm stronger than I was before."

Neo cracked his neck from side to side. "This is your ability?"

"Yes. Infinity Chamber. An ability that increases my Soul Chamber's capacity with every passing second. As you get tired and weaken over time, I'll just get consistently stronger." Nazo narrowed his eyes. "You will die."

Neo stuck his sword in the ground. "Kekku Kinku!" Lightning started coursing throughout the ground in a fifty foot radius from Neo.

Nazo was still in the air above him. "What's that going to do? I'm up here!"

Neo looked up at Nazo and closed one of his eyes.

Nazo was transported to the ground. "What the-GRRRRRGGGHHH!!!" Nazo got electrocuted by Neo's attack.

Neo poured more energy into it, intensifying the lightning.

Nazo was in serious pain.

Neo held one of his hands up, "Halo." he threw it at Nazo.

The Halo hit him and went around his waist like a hula hoop. The momentum took him up in the air then exploded.


Neo opened his eye and took his sword out of the ground. The lightning surge stopped.

When the smoke cleared from the explosion, Nazo was still there, and he was visibly ticked now.

Nazo quickly hit the ground and charged at Neo.

Nazo was now exponentially faster and stronger than before. Neo couldn't catch up.

Nazo kicked him into the air, and continued to hit him as he went up. A total of 46 times.

When they were far up in the sky, Nazo clasped his hands together and sent him back to the ground with a resounding smash.

Neo was sprawled out on his back engraved in the dirt. He looked up where Nazo was. He was making a mass of red energy again.

"Now you're going to feel the same attack you mocked. World Devastation."

This attack was three times larger than the World Devastation from before. He sent it down at Neo.

Neo closed one of his eyes. The attack disappeared.

Nazo was confused. "What?!" He crashed to the ground and picked Neo up by his shirt. "What did you just do?!"

Neo cracked a smile. He thrust his sword into Nazo's abdomen.

"AHHRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!" Nazo cried out.

Neo took the sword out as Nazo let him go to hold his wound. The blood was pouring out.

Nazo's hand glowed red. He was burning the wound shut. He winced at the pain. "How did you cut me...?!"

Neo had a twisted grin on his face now. "So you closed the wound huh? Well it won't matter now."

Nazo was pissed off at this point. "You're just a human. DON'T MOCK ME!!!" He charged at Neo, but Neo was beating Nazo up badly now. He executed a whole fifty hit combo and sent Nazo into a building fifteen meters away.

Nazo soon walked out of the hole in the wall. "You got stronger, how?!!"

Neo was still grinning. "I didn't. You got weaker." He held up his sword. "I implanted one of my abilities into this sword. If it pierces you, it takes away one ability that you most recently used for thirty minutes."

Nazo's eyes widened. "What?"

Neo walked towards him and tapped his forehead. "That's right, you don't have that curse mark on your head anymore, so your borrowed power is gone."

Nazo still let out a burst of red aura and charged back at Neo. "grrrr... I'm still a GOD!!! A PUNY HUMAN LIKE YOU WISHES THEY COULD DEFEAT ME!!"

Neo dodged all of Nazo's attacks and put his palm on Nazo's stomach. He was still smiling as he reopened his eye. "Delayed Transportation!"

All of a sudden, the World Devastation that disappeared earlier reappeared right there under Neo's palm.

Nazo didn't even have time to react.


A large red and gray smoke cloud went up in the air after the explosion.

Neo still stood there, sword in hand.

Nazo stood a few feet from him, with a blank look in his eye.

There was a gaping hole in his chest. "This can't happen... I'm... a god." he said in a weak voice. "I'm next to become... God of the... Underworld..."

Neo walked towards him. "I wish you were stronger so I could feel what it's like to experience fear."

Neo stopped walking. He was standing at arm's length from Nazo. "Well how about this title."

Neo readied his sword for a backhanded slash. "Neo, the God Killer."

With one swipe Nazo's head was cut clean off.

Neo smirked. "It has a nice ring to it."