The Birth of Anarchy

In a few days Airson was healed enough where he could step outside without his umbrella, though he still needed his bandages wrapped around him.

He went back inside.

Miraka rarely left her room now, so Airson usually just ate fruits for his meals.

It was no big deal.

He turned the television on to watch the news.

Apparently the Knights and civilians of Zedan suddenly started turning against one another, throwing the country into chaos.

"That's odd..." he said.

Then Airson realized that Mastermind was supposed to have a power like that. That's when he sensed the bloodlust in the air.

Airson ran out his door without any shoes and ran straight towards the Knight's HQ.

Airson was completely bandaged up, so it was fine, but a dull pain still made its way through his body from the wind friction that comes with running at a moderate speed. But he followed the bloodlust he felt.

Sure enough, the Knights' Headquarters was in utter chaos.

Nigel got there at the same time he did. "What are you doing outside the house? You're still healing!"

"I'm fine. You sensed it too?"

Nigel nodded. "There's a nasty energy floating around here."

He ran inside, Airson followed.

The Beta and Alpha Knights were all fighting one another in an all out brawl, destroying the building.

The two dodged all the attacks and moved to the Omega sector.

A man stood in front of the doorway.

"That's the energy I'm feeling!" Nigel said in a hurried whisper.

The man turned around to look their way. He had four red irises in each eye.

Airson saw them before. "Don't look in his eyes!!"

Nigel looked down immediately. "What's going on?" he said.

"The Eyes of Destruction can control weak minded people."

The man completely turned his body to face the two. "So you know of them. My eyes. I am Vora. My only purpose is to bring chaos to the world."

Ahsan rushed into the room behind Vora. He'd just come back not long ago from a mission. "What is this?!"

"Whatever you do, don't look in his eyes! He can control people!!" Airson warned.

Ahsan gritted his teeth. "So he's the villain right? Don't have to tell me twice!! Hwahhh!!!"

A ball of fire shot out of Ahsan's fist.

Vora dodged it without looking. "A three on one is not a favorable scenario. To fight seriously, I will have to release the controlled."

Airson could hear the fighting back in the main lobby stop. He started charging his energy.

"Keep it light buddy." Nigel reminded him. "Sacred Tree Armor: Great Oak."

The dark greyish brown wood covered his body.

Ahsan charged at Vora, who turned around. The two fought for a few seconds, then Vora quickly knocked him into the wall.

Nigel charged in. Vora couldn't so easily push Nigel around. But Vora was much faster. He held a finger out towards Nigel. "Chaos Ray."

A thin red beam of energy shot out of his finger.

Nigel dodged it, but the beam split the room in half, then exploded.

Ahsan recovered himself and shot more fireballs at Vora who dodged each one.

Nigel cut in for close range attacks.

Then, Ahsan clasped his hands together. The ground split itself open.

Vora and Nigel didn't fall in because they could fly, but Nigel was quicker. "Atomic Mass: Times Four!!"

He brought his hands together and sent Vora into the hole. A crash was heard at the bottom.

"Nice one!!" Ahsan said with enthusiasm.

With one hand, Ahsan started shooting a whirlpool of water into the deep crack, then with the other hand shot a stream of lightning along with it. "Arcane Fist: Roaring Dragon!!"

He balled up his right fist and pointed it at the sky.

A large dragon made up of fire came out of the sky and shot into the ground, causing a massive explosion.


There was steam and dust everywhere.

When the dust cleared, the crack in the ground was now a deep crater.

"An explosion caused by combining fire, water, and lightning. Those elements combined create an explosion every time, without fail." Airson thought to himself.

Soon Vora flew out of the crater, and looked at Ahsan. They locked eyes.

"Ah crap-" Ahasan said, then his eyes turned blank. He was now under control.

Vora turned around to look at Nigel, but he wasn't looking in his eyes.

Vora controlled Ahsan to attack Nigel.

Ahsan started charging himself up. His right fist started glowing red with fire, and his left fist started glowing blue with water.

He leaped toward Nigel. Then WHAM!!

Airson knocked Vora in the head using Ultrasonic 3. After hitting him, Airson immediately went back to his base form.

Vora lost his focus from the head smash, and Ahsan regained control over his body before he could hit Nigel.

Nigel then leapt into action. "TIMES ONE HUNDRED!!!"


Vora was sent into the ground with a crash, breaking the ground and making another crater.

Nigel went back to normal.

"He's not getting up from that one." Ahsan said firmly. "Nigel I almost killed you. I apologize." Ahsan started laughing proudly.

Nigel was looking at Vora.

Vora stood up, covered in blood. He held up his hand at chest level.

A crystal formed in his hand. It started sapping all of Vora's power.

"I'm not done creating chaos. This crystal will be sent out into the world, and find itself a source of hatred, wherever that may be. When it does, the person who uses it will become a god, much stronger than me."

Vora started laughing evilly.

Airson charged in for an attack, but there was a red forcefield around Vora.

The crystal then turned Vora's body into energy as well.

"It's a suicide attempt." Ahsan said.

Nigel and Airson looked at him.

"He's sacrificing himself for the sake of creating someone stronger. He realized he couldn't win."

Vora continued laughing until his entire body disappeared, leaving only the crystal floating mid-air.

The object then jet itself into the air and started wobbling, as if deciding where to go.

"It's attracted to hatred..." Nigel said.

The crystal stopped moving.

Then with the speed of a shooting star, went northward.

"Why would there be hatred northward? Aren't the Jade Islands that way?" Airson asked.

"The Northern Territories." a voice said.

The three of them turned around to look.

Asnoth was standing on top of the mountain of rubble that used to be the Omega sector.

"How long were you there?" Airson asked.

Asnoth sneered at him. "Long enough, orphan."

Airson got mad. "Why didn't you step in?!"

"No need. I'm not wasting energy on lowlifes. I'm chasing after the crystal."

"No, I'm doing it!!" Airson yelled.

"You can't sense spiritual essence so how would you find the crystal? And not only that, but you're already half dead."

Airson looked at his bandage-wrapped body and realized Asnoth was right. He backed off.

Asnoth walked away. "Tch, idiot."

Nigel looked at Airson. "You alright?"

Airson couldn't bring himself to look Nigel in the eyes. He simply nodded. "Yeah, just fine."

Nigel grabbed Airson's arm as he started to turn away. "Airson. If this is about the curse-"

Airson snatched his hand away. "I said I'm fine!"

Airson ran back to his house, much slower this time.

He walked inside.

As usual, the house was quiet as ever. You could hear a pin drop.

He slowly walked back to his room and closed the door.


In three days' time, Asnoth was in the Northern Territories, one of the largest countries in the world.

It covered half the planet's entire north pole thought most of it was uninhabited.

Asnoth had on his thermal coat, since the temperatures were freezing.

He could sense the crystal's energy much stronger now.

He looked eastward. "Looks like it's somewhere around Norborough."

He started flying in that direction.

Upon landing in the city of Norborough, one of the largest cities in the country, Asnoth was met by four guards.

"On your knees, now!!" One of them yelled.

"I have no need to." Asnoth's energy charged up.

A dignified voice spoke. "Now, now, I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason why there is a Knight of the First Order in my country."

The guards forced themselves to make Asnoth kneel.

"Bow down to our humble king; Cailtron the Fourth!!"

"Cailtron?" Asnoth said through clenched teeth.

The man known as King Cailtron IV held up the notorious crystal. "Looking for this perhaps? Most likely. Now, we have an order to kill all First Order members that stroll into this country. But let's put all the hatred between my ancestors and yours in the past, hm?"

Cailtron got closer to Asnoth and kneeled. "Now, you might be wondering, well, why is the crystal empty?" He quickly stood back up. "To which I would answer, a wonderful question!! You see, unlike my predecessors, frankly I don't have the combat power to take on any of you Knights. But, this crystal here, was so chock full of rage, and power, and strength, that I couldn't be so selfish to take it all for myself."

He turned to one of his guards and signaled him to bring someone. "I used the crystal to create, a god. Say hello to... Anarchy."

A frail man was brought out in handcuffs. He was middle aged, bony, pale, and could barely walk on his own two feet.

Asnoth guessed he was a slave.

"Remove the cuffs." Cailtron ordered.

"This guy is a god? I can sense the power coming from him, but his body can't even handle it." Asnoth thought.

Cailtron signaled to the other guards. "Let our guest stand up. He must face his opponent correct? This is what he came for."

Cailtron motioned for his guards to follow him, and they left Asnoth alone there with this frail old man.

"I'm so... sorry... for what I'm about to do." the man said coldly.

Asnoth stared at him, not knowing what to do.

Cailtron held up a handgun from 100 meters away. He fired it at the man.

A golden bullet pierced through his head and he fell in the snow, some of it turning red from the blood.

"He's... dead?" Asnoth thought to himself.


The man started screaming in a deep voice that didn't match him, then his skin turned bright red, and his muscle mass grew by a great margin. He stood up. He got taller, over seven feet tall even.

His face completely changed. His eyes were purple with red irises.

Horns grew out the sides of his head and out of the back of his forearms, triceps, shoulders, knees, and several shorter, small ones appeared on his chest and forehead.

His teeth became sharp.

"I... AM... CHAOS. I, AM, ANARCHY!!!!!"

The roar of the god's voice boomed, sending Asnoth back several feet. The snow around him melted, and the ground started breaking apart from his spiritual pressure.

"What in the world is this thing?!" Asnoth yelled.

Anarchy stopped yelling and looked directly at Asnoth.

Asnoth put his hands together. "Lightning Art: Twin Lightning Chains." His signature chains wrapped around his arms. "I don't know what kind of monster you are, but you won't leave this country alive!"

Anarchy let out a huff of air, you could see the gas exit his nostrils.

The god smiled. "I am the God of Chaos. Give me a good show."