The God of Chaos

Asnoth assumed a fighting stance, awaiting Anarchy's first move.

Then it happened.

In the blink of an eye, Anarchy got in close and punched Asnoth, who blocked the attack but still felt the impact. He was sent all the way out of the city mid air.

Anarchy followed him quickly, giving his opponent no time to react. He grabbed Asnoth by the waist, and then dropped, slamming Asnoth's back into the ground with a loud boom.

Asnoth quickly recovered, rolling out of Anarchy's reach. He extended his chains to wrap around Anarchy and swing him around until he threw him into the ground.

Anarchy got up. A bright purple ball appeared in his hand. He started bouncing it in the air. Then, like a volleyball, he threw it up to himself and spiked it towards Asnoth.


There was an explosion.

Asnoth dodged but he couldn't escape the recoil. His clothes were torn up now. He put his hands together. "Now I have to get serious. Lightning Cloak: Thunder God!!!"

White lightning energy formed on Asnoth's back in the appearance of a woman. She had six arms and a halo on her head. "Thunder God: Chains of Fervor!"

A white disc appeared in each of the woman's hands. Six chains shot out of each one for a total of thirty six chains. They each had a sharp blade on the end. All of them chased Anarchy.

Anarchy first flew up, but the chains followed him.

Anarchy was still much too fast, he was flipping and dodging all of the chains easily, but Asnoth chased him as well along with the other chains.

While Anarchy was busy dodging, Asnoth set up an electrical field around him that got him caught up inside.

The field electrocuted him, slowing him down, and all thirty six chains pierced various areas of his chest and stomach.

"I got you, monster."

Then Asnoth wrapped Anarchy in his own chains and threw him to the ground, but keeping his chains tight.

Anarchy was struggling to break free.

"Don't you have a heart? You should be dead by now. Oh well. Doesn't matter to me, you'll bleed out eventually." Asnoth said.

"Don't kill him. He's mine."

Asnoth turned around. "Who are you? This is my opponent. This has nothing to do with you."

It was Neo. "That's a god you have there, I have to be the one to kill him. He'll make me stronger."

Asnoth stood up. "Too bad. I'm not giving him to you."

Neo disappeared, leaving bright blue pixels behind him. He reappeared in a flash and made a shallow cut with his sword across Asnoth's side. "Who said anything about giving him to me? I'm taking him."

The chains vanished. "What... did you just do? I can't conjure my chains..."

Anarchy jumped up. He healed himself instantly. He was getting stronger. "HURRRRAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!"

Neo looked back at Asnoth. "They'll be back in half an hour."

He punched Anarchy.

On impact he teleported the two of them together to a random location.

"Tch!! He just stole him from me." Asnoth held his side. "Who was that guy?!" He looked around him. The once peaceful, snow covered ground was now rocky, jagged, and broken.

He flew up and headed back home. "It's not my problem anymore. If he dies he dies."


Neo transported himself to the middle of the Sub-Titanean Ocean. He waited for his opponent.

Anarchy flew up out of the water with a crashing noise. "You should have just let me die! Now I'm about twice as strong since I've warmed up!"

Neo was calm. "You don't feel ashamed that you've been spared once?"

Anarchy smiled. "Not at all, I don't feel shame. I simply enjoy chaos!! Even if it's for myself!!"

Neo grinned wildly. "Well then, let's have a good time." He stuck his sword into the water. A massive whirlpool formed. He dropped his sword in the center of it. Neo held his hand out and the sword came back up, but it was longer and the edge was now curved.

The whirlpool stopped. Neo swung his sword. "Wave Art: Crushing Tide!!"

A massive wave of water shot out of Neo's sword towards Anarchy.

The force of the attack pulled the ocean water along with it, creating almost a tsunami.

It hit Anarchy and pushed him far back.

Neo chased him down but Anarchy was unfazed from the water.

He kicked Neo in the face and knocked him high in the air. He then shot up a multitude of red and purple energy balls at Neo. There was an explosion.

Neo teleported before he was hit with it and made a shallow slash in Anarchy's side with his sword.

He then jumped far enough back where Anarchy couldn't reach him.

Anarchy held out his hands to shoot energy at Neo, but nothing happened. "What?!"

Neo smirked. "Wave Art: Tempered Steam!" He blew out a large cloud of steam from his mouth, thick enough that Anarchy couldn't see past his own hand.

Neo started teleporting constantly, slashing Anarchy with his sword each time he reappeared.

Then the god raged. "HURRRAAGGGGHH!!!! Chaos Field!!!"

An area of space about 100 feet wide trapped Neo inside with Anarchy. The space was colored a reddish-orange.

Neo couldn't move, nor teleport within this space. "What's going on?!" he thought.

Anarchy grinned. He rushed towards Neo and punched him in the stomach so hard that Neo choked up blood. He was knocked out of the field and sent high in the air.

Anarchy chased after him and kicked him in the same spot with both feet, sending Neo even higher up.

Anarchy then appeared over Neo and kicked him down to the water with his heel, puncturing his back with the horn on his foot and sending him deep into the ocean with a thunderous crash.

The god was floating a few feet above the water, waiting.

Neo was sinking deep into the waters. He went unconscious for a moment. "No. I can't die, not yet. I have to become the strongest man in the world."

He opened his eyes. He looked around. He was several miles underwater.

Neo suspected that he'd drown if he tried to fly up, and he couldn't teleport underwater.

He looked straight up. He closed one of his eyes.

Anarchy was still near the surface, waiting patiently. He considered chasing Neo down into the water and finishing him off.

Suddenly, there was a ginormous hole in the ocean, roughly six hundred miles wide.

The only sounds you could hear was the water at the edges of the gaping ravine rushing to try and fill in the hole.

Anarchy looked down. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The hole was pitch black as far as he could see.

Neo appeared above him. "Up here, idiot."

Anarchy looked up at him.

"Wind Art: Raging Typhoon!!" Neo swung his sword. A massive gale of wind rushed at Anarchy. It was such a strong storm that he couldn't even move against it.

The wind force pushed him down the hole in the ocean.

Neo swung his sword again. "Wave Art: Crushing Tide!!"

A large wave of water was sent in after the wind, pushing Anarchy further down.

Neo held his hand up. A halo formed in his hand. Then he held his hand up higher. A larger halo formed outside the first one, and a blue lightning charged ball of energy appeared in the center. "Halo Form: Thunder Sphere."

He threw the attack at Anarchy. The attack exploded, electrocuting him.

"This will be your grave. Flame Art: Tiger Paw!!" Neo threw his fist toward the hole. A large mass of fire flew down the hole in the shape of a paw.

The fire chemically reacted with the electrocuted water and caused a ferocious explosion.

Neo held out his hand. "Now for the grand finale... once I kill you, I'll have gained a new level of power." He opened his eye.

All of the water that was missing from the ocean all came out in an instant. The force of the water created an explosion so large, so wide, that it was visible from the coast of Titania and the coast of Arbok at the same time.

The explosion's effects lasted for a whole minute.

Neo turned to fly away.

Anarchy soon burst out of the water. "DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D DIE FROM SOME WATER?!!!"


Anarchy kept laughing. "Now where did you go? Did he fly away?" He looked around but couldn't find him.


A sword pierced through Anarchy's chest.

"I'll admit. I thought that last sequence would kill you. I underestimated you slightly."

Anarchy looked back. "You should know that I can't be killed by puncture wounds, so what are you trying to do?"

The wound where Neo's sword was turned into ice. The ice was spreading.

"Huh? What?! I can't feel my chest! What did you do?!"

Neo smirked. "Sword Art: Transform Matter. I can turn liquids into solids or vice versa."

Anarchy was turning completely into ice. "What kind... of power... do you have? First the transporting, then you got rid of my energy blasts, then the water... what is this?"

"Oh, the elemental powers are new. I thought I'd test it out on you. I'm also a God Killer."

Anarchy smiled. "Heh heh... so you're not natural... like a glitch in the matrix..."

Those were Anarchy's last words.

Neo pulled his sword out. "That's right. The problem is that there's another glitch in the matrix like me that I must get rid of." He slashed his sword through the ice, breaking Anarchy's body into a thousand pieces.

Neo grinned. "That's two gods now. I'm slowly reaching my goal."