Show of Interest

TIME : 9:16AM


"Sai Kisoka, son of Ean Kisoka, One of the finest D.O.D operatives this city has ever produced, his son seems to be following in his father's footsteps, Sai makes to be one of the best detectives this police department has to offer ".

Police chief Gr'egor says as he goes through the biodata in front of him.

"But he is still what we'd call a hotshot, hot headed and a code breaker, Sai is no carbon copy of his father if you ask me."

A man dressed in official attire retorts has he sits opposite the table from Gr'egor.

The office they chat in is pretty simple in décor, with pretty dull painting and files arranged on the desk and also in the cabinet, a ceiling fan rotating at mid speed.

The atmosphere in the room was not quite happy as it was serious with two men sitting from across each other analyzing officers that served to keep the city safe as well as ensure law and order.

"He has potential though, he may be a loose cannon but with guidance, he can be tamed."

Gr'egor replies his guest sitting across from him with a smile on his face.

"What about his partner??"

The man in official attire asks rather smugly.

"Of course, Ilara Kanamara, daughter to Kame and Nia Kanamara, two of the biggest politicians in this city…most of her colleagues do not like her based on the fact that they feel like she doesn't deserve to be with them in the force, feeling that she bought her way in."

Gr'egor replies.

"Did she?? " his guest asks with a smirk.

"Captain Yakob, Ilara has earned her place in the force. The hate she faces in the force is primarily from the fact that they feel that her parents are quite as corrupt as most politicians that run the affairs of the government."

Gr'egor replies the captain in a rather proud tone.

"Their success rate on the force seems to be quite impressive, being one of the few detective duos to have over 18 difficult cases solved so early in their career, having left the police academy only 4 years back."

Yakob acknowledges as he goes through the data gathered on the duo.

"They are hard workers who have both earned their place in the force through commitment and selfless acts of kindness to their colleagues in the force."

Gr'egor says with a tone of joy as he acknowledges the works of Sai and Ilara.

"Yes that is something to acknowledge them for but that unfortunately is not enough for them to be considered for the D.O.D."

Yakob muses unmoved by Greg's words of praise.

"You were the one that came here asking about new recruits for the D.O.D, so I'm giving you the facts. Sai and Ilara have potential to be great operatives for the taskforce."

Gr'egor reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls it open, taking out a file from it and closes it back.

He hands the file over to Yakob, who collects it and opens it to see its contents.

"That file contains their reports from their time in the academy. Sai started off as a slouch, only trying to live up to his father's name, Sai repeated the academy twice before he finally graduated at the third try."

Gr'egor informs Yakob as he glances through the file before him.

"But looking at his scores in all three entries, it seems he is nothing short of a genius, so how come he did it three times??"

Yakob asks quite perplexed at the information before him.

"Sai is a born genius, there's is no doubt about that, but the young man took a long time before deciding to carry on his father's legacy and the reason for his change of heart is no other than his current partner, Ilara, apparently Ilara managed to give Sai a new perspective and no longer made him feel like he was just living up to his father's name but gave him new goals and objectives, so I guess that's why he is with us today and also the reason he did not graduate at his two first attempts."

Gr'egor explains to Yakob, trying his best to share all necessary details.

"Ilara herself is no slouch as she was the second highest in her class, only behind Sai, her adaptability and sharp thinking puts her at the forefront of our best officers. Sai is a strategist with an eye for danger, he does what he can to protect those he cares about and is willing to risk himself for those he loves, a good team player but a stubborn officer. Ilara on the other hand follows the rules to the letter and always strives for Sai to do same."

"And what about their individual abilities and class types??"

Yakob goes on to ask, prodding for as much information as possible from the police chief.

"Sai has been tested and has been found to have no variant genes. He has shown potential as a weaponmaster though with a D+ ranking being versed in over 5 martial styles. Though his mastery over each style is debatable, anyways he can't be blamed since he hasn't found a reliable teacher who would train him on the ways of a master," Gr'egor takes note of the knowing expression on Yakob's face.

"And Ilara??...her file says she's a variant with the ability to control sound waves."

Yakob looks up at Gr'egor.

"Yes she is capable of sound manipulation but she hasn't shown any sign of upgrade from her 1st path and unfortunately she doesn't seem interested in improving on her abilities but I'm sure hearing about the interest for her services from the D.O.D will push her to improve on her abilities."

Gr'egor replies Yakob.

"Well I am quite impressed and also curious to know how far they can go, keep me updated on their progress, Chief…I'll be taking my leave now."

Yakob makes to leave as he rises from his seat and stretches out his hand, which is met with a firm handshake from Gr'egor.

"I guess I'll be seeing you around then, have a nice trip back to D.O.D HQ."

Gr'egor escorts Yakob out of his office as the two men continue to chat….

TIME : 12:24PM


"Wait what??"

Sai is wide eyed as he is awed by what he had just heard.

"Sir you can't be serious. Are you??"

Ilara asks, also shocked to hear what their superior just told them.

"I know it's a lot to take in but I am being quite honest with you at the moment."

Gr'egor chuckles as he notices the shocked look of both detectives before him.

"You both have done a lot of good for the force and still have a lot of potential to explore, that was why I immediately recommended both of you to the scout."

Sai and Ilara look at each other and back at their chief...