Let's make love tonight

TIME : 6:32PM


Sai sits on the bed moping as he recollects the events of the day, he cannot help but feel frustrated with himself.

"I thought this would be over by now.. I've never spent so much time on an investigation before, but now this… I guess it's understandable, when I decided to take this case, I knew what I was getting into…I just wish I didn't have to go through all these disappointments just to hit another dead end…"

Sai soliloquizes under his breath, covering his face with his palms, he tries to lay down for a while before he rises again at the sound of the bathroom door opening.

His gaze sets on Ilara and is taken aback by her beauty.

Her flowing blonde hair extending all the way to her waist, her blue eyes and fair complexion with a slender figure underneath the towel she wore.

"Damn where did you come from."

He mutters under his breath.

Ilara notices him staring and motions at him with her head.


Ilara asks as she walks over to Sai.

"You know just a minute ago I was cursing my bad luck regarding the HARLEM case then you walk in wearing nothing but a towel and I can't even think straight anymore."

Sai says as he rises from the mattress and holds Ilara on her waist dragging her closer.

"You were the one that said no romance till we were done with the case so as to ensure maximum concentration."

Ilara comments as she runs her palm through Sai's chest region.

"I know I said that but at this point in time I think we need some romance so as to let off some steam, what do you think about that??"

Sai asks with a wink.

As he makes to kiss her, Ilara puts up a finger holding his lips and denying him any access to her full and enticing lips.

"So you are gonna change the rules whenever you feel like, mister.. Well I'm just gonna have to make you realize that that's not how things works."

Ilara replies as she then shrugs off Sai and makes to leave.

"Oh c'mon, are you really gonna leave me to spend the night alone??"

Sai asks in low tone.

Ilara turns back and faces him, sizing him up carefully before replying.

"Never make a rule you know you won't be able to keep , cause next time you do that, you're gonna be the one to suffer it alone."

Ilara says in a low throaty voice that sends reverberations throughout Sai's body, leaving the poor guy helpless to her machinations.

Ilara moves towards Sai and puts her palms on his chest before kissing him lightly and taking off his T-shirt along with the singlet underneath, making him weak with her actions.

Sai let her do what she wanted as he put forth no resistance whatsoever. With a finger Ilara shoves Sai into the mattress before letting down the towel she was wearing to expose an exquisite body underneath.

climbing unto Sai, she plants kisses from his groin all the way to his neck, sparking desire in Sai, this pushed Sai to topple her over and kiss her before then looking into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you."

Ilara says in a low tone to which Sai responds with same, With burning desire as they lay under the stars, They made love all night...…

TIME : 9:18PM


Boa sits at the counter toying with his drink has he chats with the waitress, he seems lost in the conversation so much so that he doesn't notice the man that sits beside him on his left.

"Well hello there Boa, I see you haven't left town yet."

Says the man beside him, Boa turns to come face to face with Karan.

"Who are you and how do you know me??"

"I have my ways, if you don't mind I have a few questions for you" Karan says in a calm voice.

"Yeah I don't think so.. I don't even know who you are."

Karan does not seem pleased with this.

"You were one of the combatants to participate in the event held last night at Negatana fight club, am I right??"

Boa puts up an eyebrow in surprise.

"And I thought they were private about their dealings with fighters…but I still have to know who you are and what you want with me."

Karan calls for the bartender and orders a drink after which he returns his attention to Boa.

"I and my partner over there ( pointing to Armstrong from where he sat) are private detectives and we have reason to believe that your opponent from last night was a shady fellow so we need your help to track him down."

Karan says casually bringing out an ID to prove what he had just said, Boa eyes him closely before responding.

"And how exactly can I help you detective."

Karan receives his drink from the bartender and takes a sip.

"I just need some info on the guy in question, anything you can remember about him. This guy seems to be hiding and we don't know why yet, it was easy tracking you down but he seems to be almost non existent, he hides his tracks well and it's more difficult to pin down someone like him. So all I need from you is a description, maybe even a name or address, I'm sure you guys must have gotten into some sort of conversation after your fight."

Boa at first is skeptical of what he had just heard but then resorts to cooperating has everything felt pretty legit to him.

"Uhmm yeah sure I guess I can help you with that. His name is Dan ,he didn't really tell me where he stays but I'd bet he resides In the city."

Karan nods his head as he takes mental note of what Boa tells him.

"Can I get a description, if you don't mind."

Karan asks as he engages Boa in a full blown conversation to try and get as much information as possible….

TIME : 6:10AM


Sai wakes from his slumber and turns his face to the left to gaze on the beauty that lay beside him, rays of sunshine had pierced through the room window to rest on her face, Sai could not help but smile over his good fortune.

"Beauty with brains, awesome."

Was all Sai could say before Ilara awoke, almost like as though she had felt him gazing.


Ilara says tiredly as she turns to face Sai.

"How you feeling."

Sai asks has he runs his fingers through her silky hair.

"I'm fine."

Ilara snuggles up to Sai.

"It's late, we should be heading out soon to continue our investigation."

Sai makes to get out of bed.

"Yeah I know but still…"

Ilara is cut off by the sound of a telephone ringing.

"I wonder who that could be."

Sai stretches out to pick up the phone but then Ilara snatches it before he can do so and picks it.

"Hello, this is Kisoka residence, who am I speaking with?"

Ilara asks into the phone receiver, She gets up from the bed and begins to pace around the room before dropping the telephone after the call and smiles sheepishly at Sai.

"Who was that and why are you smiling like that?"

Sai asks with a suspicious look on his face.

"You know that breakthrough you've been praying for with regards to the Harlem case… I think we just got it" Ilara replies with joy.

"what are you talking about??" Sai asks with heightened interest.

"That was a call from Bali. I had asked her to help me research on Jace, the guy that we had spotted with Crow the other night. Well she just called to inform me that she might have some info on the whereabouts of him and that we should come to the station immediately."

"Are you serious right now??"

Sai gets up from the bed in surprise.


Ilara replies with a laugh

"Then What are we waiting for, we need to get going."

Sai says as he jumps out of bed, running into the bathroom, leaving Ilara smiling to herself…