Fated meeting

TIME : 6:08AM


[ Flashback ]


A younger Dan dressed in training attire is seen trying to move an iron bar with his mind and wave of his hands but it doesn't seem to budge.


A wizened Raza yells has he seats on a mat with his legs crossed and a cup of tea in his hands.

"Isn't there a better way to do this??.... The bar is not budging at all."

Dan complains with a look of defeat on his face.

"You asked me to teach you to control your power, now I'm teaching you and you are complaining??"

The old Raza doesn't appreciate Dan's complaints in the slightest.

"What can I do??....I've been trying to move this bar for so long with my mind I think my brain is cramping."

Dan says as he then motions to touch his temple like as though it was actually aching to drive home his point.

"That is because you keep trying to fight with your ability, trying to forcefully control it, but that's not gonna work, my boy…. Clear your mind and stop trying to fight, feel the metal in you and you'll have succeeded in breaking past the first path of your ability.".

Dan listens attentively, taking note of everything the old Raza taught him.....

[ Flashback ends ]

Dan opens his eyes to see himself in a room, tied fast to the chair in which he sat, he looks around but is unable to make out much has the room is poorly lit, he is left wondering where he is but his train of thought is broken by a click on the door, after which the door is opened and Sai walks in with Ilara.

"Hey there, how are you feeling??"

Sai asks has he takes a seat in front of Dan with Ilara following suit.

"What is this, this place doesn't look like a police cell or even an interrogation room, are you guys even cops??"

Dan asks has he strains his eyes to catch a glimpse of Sai and Ilara 's faces.

"We are cops albeit suspended at the moment, anyways ,you tried to kidnap Jace last night, why??"

Ilara asks.

"You don't really think that I'm actually gonna talk, right??" Dan asks in amusement.

"This is not an interrogation, I know this is our first time meeting but I can tell you're not a bad guy, so how about we do it like this, we tell you who we are and why we were after Jace after which you'll reciprocate with same" Ilara replies calmly.

Dan is quite shocked by this at first looking at Sai, with Sai just shrugging his shoulders in response.

"You're being serious…. OK then, go ahead."

Dan remarks after which he breaks the ropes binding him, Sai and Ilara are unfazed by this and go ahead with what they were about to do.

" My name is Ilara and this is my partner Sai, what's your name??"


Dan rests back on his chair and makes himself comfortable.

"Sai and I were investigating a case involving a smuggling ring here in Calos which led us down a really deep rabbit hole, trailing all the way down to some really murky waters, discovering the fact that Governor Cheng might be the leader of this network of bad people that have stayed hidden for so long, unfortunately we were caught out before we could make any headway after hitting a lot of dead ends in the investigation which then resulted in our subsequent suspension."

"Ilara is right, but we decided we won't let our suspension stop us from trying to solve the case, that was why we were after Jace last night, so your turn."

Sai chimes in, Dan looks at both detectives in front of him and suddenly let's out a mock laugh.

"I can't believe you guys just did that, anyways, if that's your way of trying to get me to trust you, I'm sorry but you've failed woefully."

Dan says in between gulps of laughter, Sai is visibly offended by this and gets up to leave.

"I knew this was a mistake trying to be nice, we should have just interrogated him like normal cops."

Sai says to Ilara in an angry tone.

"Sai, wait…"

Ilara stares at Dan for a while before letting out a smile.

"I don't know why you are behaving like this but it's fine, I will not force you or try to cajole you to say what you don't wanna say Dan, So you do whatever you feel is right."

Ilara rises from her seat and leaves the room Sai following after her and closing the door behind them, Dan is left amused and wondering what just happened to him....

TIME : 9:13AM


"what happened here last night??"

An officer asks one of the employees of the club.

"I'm not really sure, officer, all I can say is that it looked a clash between gangs though I have no idea on which gangs were involved."

The club from the night before was crawling with cops has they surveyed the area, while others questioned the employees present at the club the night before, passerby's were left wondering what had happened but were not allowed to come close for a better look has the area being investigated was completely taped off from the public eye.

"Can you make out the faces of any of those involved in the fight from last night".

"Yes actually, if I can remember properly, the man that started the fight was a blonde wearing a red hoodie jacket, I can't really describe his facial features but that much I can remember."

Two suited men stand at a corner, overhearing what the witness said.

"we have to inform Karan and Armstrong about the recent turn of events, let's go"

They leave before they can hear the remainder of the witnesses breakdown of the night before...

TIME : 10:39AM


"wake up sleepy head."

Jace is awoken with a bucket of water poured on him.

"What the hell."

Jace looks up to see Sai and Ilara with a bucket of water.

"Who the hell are you guys and what do you want from me, most importantly, why the hell did you wake me up like that??"

Sai takes a seat in front of him has Ilara dropped the bucket she was carrying and took her seat as well.

"Jace right??"

Sai asks.

"What's it to ya."

Jace asks while trying to free himself.

"Don't bother trying to break free, it took a variant breaking the knot to get loose, you won't be getting that chance… anyways, the reason we brought you here is to ask you a few questions, I do hope you can cooperate with us."

Ilara remarks in a calm tone.

"Go fuck yourself whore, I'm not ratting out my employers … you guys don't know how much trouble you're in for what you've done to me, when I leave this place, my employers are gonna make sure you regret ever taking me captive in the first place."

Jace says as he bursts into a dry laugh.

"Is that so??.... Well until then, but for now we have you in our custody and so, we are gonna make sure you tell us everything about Cheng and his circle…. So it's either we do this the easy way or the hard way and to be honest, I really hope you choose the hard way."

Sai says with a menacing grin on his face after which Jace's face has fear written all over it, looking at Ilara who shrugs him off with a smile....