
TIME : 6:32PM


Sai walks into the apartment briskly before removing his hoodie.

"Hey you're back, did you get what you were looking for??"

Ilara asks as she welcomes him.

"No I didn't because not only our house but our entire street was crawling with so many cops that I couldn't even risk trying to get into the house, they must have everything we kept in there it's no use going."

Sai says quite disappointed at what he saw.

"That's bad…. But this means that our enemy also has his hands in the force, right??"

Ilara asks in passing.

"I think Gr'egor knows about all that's happening and I'm gonna make sure he pays if he is in any way involved with this."

Sai takes off his hoodie and catches Rani watching.

"What's up??"

Rani walks into the room and takes a seat.

"Jace is OK now but it's going to take some time for him to regain himself."

Rani says with a smile on her face.

"That's good."

Sai nods his head and looks back at Ilara who was giving him an icy stare, they soon hear cars pulling up on their lot.

"What was that??"

Rani asks as she stands to her feet.

"They found us… how did they find us??"

Ilara asks as she goes to the window to check and lays her eyes on over five police cars parked outside.

"I don't know, I made sure to cover my tracks….. Except they tracked the call I made to chief which would mean chief is in on whatever Cheng is doing, damn it."

Sai places his right palm on his forehead in annoyance.

"The cops are here… How the hell did they find us, I thought you said this place was secure."

Dan said as he joined them in the living room, fully dressed.

"Well someone had to do more than he was supposed to and ended up blowing up our cover in the process."

Ilara is not happy and is very open about it.

"Oh shit, the cops…. I'm in so much trouble if they catch us, what are we going to do now??"

Rani begins to panic.

"We are going to have to fight our way out of here…. We can't avoid a confrontation now."

Sai says as he adjusts his shoulder readying for combat.

"I'll take care of Jace, you guys clear a path for us."

Ilara says as she begins to head down to the building basement to get Jace.

"Sai and Ilara, I'm sure you already know who I am so no need to introduce myself….. I'm only going to say this once; the both of you should come out with your hands in the air and also bring out the fugitive you have with you within the next thirty seconds or I'll send in officers who will drag you out like the criminal scum you are."

Detective KK yells at the top of his lungs, Dan and Sai exchange looks before looking back at the front door.

"isn't there a back door in this building??"

Dan questions.

"There is but it's sealed off… this place was once a hideout for a gang but when I and Ilara busted them we decided to renovate a little bit and turned it into our secret hideout for special occasions."

Sai replies calmly.

"we need to buy Ilara and Rani enough time to escape, can you do that??"

Sai clench's his fist and glances at Dan.

"Yeah sure." comes the reply from Dan.

"Time is up….. Smoke 'em out boys."

KK yells after which twenty armed officers position themselves in front and aim their bayonets at the door.


They cock their guns and begin to shoot, emptying their bullet rounds in the process.

"Move in."

The officers rise up and begin to move towards the door. As they open the door they are greeted by a barrage of bullets aimed at their legs which immediately incapacitate all of them.

Dan smiles as he sees the officers rolling in pains on the floor.

"You guys should be thankful I didn't aim higher."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

Sai asks passively.

"You have no idea."

Dan replies with a sick smile on his face.

"Shit, second squadron move in now."

Next wave of officers move into the building with their bayonets.

"Are you ready??"

Sai gets into position.

"There won't be any need for a close combat affair."

Dan says after which he clamps his hands together and yells out, all iron objects in the building begin to circulate around him.

"Show off."

Sai remarks.

"This is a matter of keeping them at bay, not showing off skills…you should go and make sure Ilara is done with Jace, I'll meet you guys out back."

Dan says as he then allows the iron objects to be floating in mid air around him.

"Fine then, but remember don't kill anyone, we can't risk committing a murder at this point."

Sai says after which he heads down to the basement.

Dan seeing the second wave of cops rains iron on them, literally… using forks, knifes, spoons, nails and even bullets from their guns, Dan causes havoc amongst the officers that had come with KK, the officers seek shelter at the onslaught of Dan on them, those that tried moving into the building were left on the ground writhing in pains with bloodied body's.

"I'll only say this once; leave now or suffer severely."

Dan yells at the top of his voice as he then proceeds to gather up his weapons of mass destruction for a second wave.

In the middle of all these chaos, civilians in the vicinity were left scrambling to save themselves, running hither thither so as to not be caught in the crossfire.

"We don't run away from scum like you."

KK yells out after which he motions to another officer standing beside him.

"Blow up the place."

Two officers carrying dynamite run towards the building with intent, Dan sees them and is about to release his unconventional weapons when the officers hurl the dynamite into the building.

Dan immediately directs the iron objects around him to envelope the bombs, both dynamites explode causing a shock wave that knocked Dan off his feet and back a bit unfortunately smashing his head on the table which inadvertently knocked him out.

"Move in."

The surviving officers tried to push forward but are stopped by the arrival of Sai.

"Oh shit."

Sai picks up a bayonet and enraged in close combat with the remainder of the officers, twelve in total, Sai blocks a jab from one of the officers and uses the butt end of his bayonet to smack his opponent, he uses his leg to kick another officer before finishing him off with a fan kick using his right leg, two officers come at him and try to trip him but he avoids their attacks with little difficulty before retaliating with blows of his own.

The fight goes on for a while and Sai gains the upper hand taking down all twelve officers. As he drops the bayonet in his possession and made his way to Dan to help him, he is stopped in his tracks by KK.

"Stop right there scum, I never thought I'd see the day that the great Sai Kisoka would be at my mercy but I guess it's for the good of my career anyways."

KK remarks as he cocks his gun and makes to shoot, Sai tries to avoid the shot but KK is stabbed with a bayonet through his stomach, Sai turns round to see Dan conscious and his right hand aimed at KK.

"Nice save."

Sai says as he then proceeds to help Dan to his feet.

"Let's get going."

TIME : 7:08PM


"Tell me, have they been captured??"

Gr'egor asks over the receiver in a haste.

"Not yet chief, I just got to the hideout they were making use of but all I can see here is blood and a lot of carnage, whatever happened here is nothing short of a battle."

Jonah replies over the phone.

"Oh no, how could they have let this happen….. What about Sai and Ilara??"

Gr'egor asks.

"They are nowhere in sight but we are still looking for clues as to where they could be at this point in time."

Jonah replies.

"OK then, keep on looking and inform me of any developments."

Gr'egor says after which he cuts the call.

"Damn it."