
TIME : 8:38AM


Sai and Ilara are seen in bed with each, only waking after rays of the sun had pierced through the window and rested on their faces.

Dan is in the kitchen helping himself to a bowl of cereal when he sees Sai and Ilara walk in rather lazily.

"Well hello there, I was starting to think you guys wouldn't wake up today."

Dan comments sarcastically as he begins to dig into his breakfast.

"Ha-ha funny, yesterday was really rough, you weren't really expecting us to wake up so early, did you??"

Ilara questions as she walks over to the coffee machine to help herself to a cup of the dark liquid.

"Forget it babe, there are times you shouldn't grace Mr Ruso over there with a response."

Sai remarks as he opens up the fridge to scavenge for a snack, only coming out after he had grabbed a pack of biscuits, Dan turns his neck and glances at Sai with a raised eyebrow.


Dan asks with an expressionless face.


Sai replies has he takes his seat beside Dan and proceeds to deep his biscuit into Dan's bowl, Dan shifts the bowl aside and stands from his seat to find another, Sai let's out a laugh and Ilara couldn't help but laugh as well as she watched the little drama unfold between Sai and Dan.

"You have serious issues."

Ilara comments between laughs, Dan eyes both detectives before taking his seat and returning to his cereal.

"If you guys are done using me to have fun, can we get on to more pressing matters??"

Dan asks.

"Yeah sure."

Ilara responds has she took her seat next to Sai.

"So Armstrong is dead and Cheng will most likely have found out by now which means he would be searching rigorously for us to exact revenge, Rani is currently watching over Jace albeit with a collar to her neck....."

"Which we don't approve of, mind you."

Ilara cuts Dan off, Dan takes a look at Ilara before he continues.

"You told me about an exchange that was supposed to take place between Crow and Cheng, have you guys thought of a way to find the location??"

"Well I've thought of a few but only one is plausible; we have to talk with Gr'egor."

Sai pitches in.

"Police chief Gr'egor??"

Dan asks with interest.

"Yeah, I now know that he knows exactly what's going on and he is most likely working with Cheng to take us down so if we can get to him and make him talk, we might just be able to get the location of the exchange."

Sai continues as Dan and Ilara listen with rapt attention.

"So how do you propose we go about getting an audience with the chief??"

Ilara questions.

"We might have to sneak into his apartment."

Sai answers with a hand to the back of his head.

"Alright then, it's settled, we leave tonight."

Dan announces after which he leaves Sai and Ilara in the kitchen.

"Do you think it's safe to keep him with us??.... I mean that dude clearly doesn't care about us and is only in this to fulfill his own selfish motives."

Sai remarks has he munches on a biscuit.

"I know it seems like he doesn't care but he does, he might be a sadistic asshole that would care less what happened around him, he is still a good person with a heart, even if for anything we can count on his intense drive and humanity to help us bring Cheng down."

Ilara responds with a smile has she turns to Asians pecks him on the lips.

"I'll go see how Rani and Jace are doing."

Ilara picks her cup and begins to head out.

"Let's hope you're right."

Sai mutters to himself has he watches her walk away.

TIME : 10:16AM


A couple of police cars are gathered around the forest area that was the scene for a brutal encounter just last night.

"This place looks like a freaking war zone, looked like a couple of strong assholes used this place has their playground."

An officer comments has they take note of the damages that spread for quite some distance.

"Hey Jonah, you better come see this" an officer calls out to the detective and he comes over.

"Who's that??"

Jonah asks as he comes over to lay his eyes on the lifeless body of Armstrong.

"Not sure, no ID so we can't know who exactly he was until after we have gotten the autopsy report."

The officer responds.

"Alright then, pack it up and send it over to the precinct to be examined."

Jonah gestures to the officers who then proceed to place Armstrong in a body bag.

A black vehicle is parked not too far from the crime scene, quite hidden from the eyes of the police.

"Call Karan and inform him about this, I'm sure he would want to know."

A man in shades says to his companion.

"Of course."

The other man picks his cell and begins to dial, the man in shades proceeds to start the engine and drives off in a haste.

TIME : 12:17PM


"These pesky detectives have bitten off more than they can chew and now they'll pay dearly for what they have done."

Cheng bellows.

"This is all my fault, I underestimated them and they proved they were not the weaklings I took them for, it's unfortunate Armstrong had to die before I realized the level of threat they posed to the cause."

Karan remarks as he sips his drink in a calculated manner.

"I had told you to get rid of that Ruso boy but you said no, now see what has happened, how do you plan to fix this mess you've put us in Karan??"

Cheng asks as he slams his palm into the desk causing the table to crack.

"Calm yourself Cheng, everything will go according to plan after which we'll be able to deal with these little group of merry men adequately."

Karan replies calmly.

"You better fix this, you better do."

Cheng says after which he collapses back into his chair and begins to breath heavily...….