What next??

TIME : 6:04AM


"I heard about the death of your associate and I thought I'd call to give my condolences" Karan hears Crow from the other side of the receiver, "there's no need to act like you care Crow, do not worry the death of Armstrong doesn't affect the transaction today, I'll deal with the miscreants later but to more pressing matters, the golden scroll is in our possession and everything is being set for a peaceful transaction, you don't have to worry" Karan replies

"alright then, if you say so but still do accept my condolences, I'm sure this wasn't expected at all, anyways I'll leave you to do the planning and also to mourn we'll see tonight" Crow remarks after which the call goes dead, Karan drops the telephone and crosses his fingers, "I'm going to make them pay dearly"...

TIME : 12:12PM


"so what's the plan, we know the location and time, how are we going about it??" Dan asks with a face full of cheese, "you know for a smart guy, you really don't like coming up with ideas, do you??" Sai questions sarcastically, "I actually have a few ideas but I have a feeling you guys won't approve" Dan replies with a smirk

"of course, who the hell would want to follow the plan of a maniac like you??" Sai continues in his sarcasm, "both of you should knock it off already, I'm tired of hearing the both of you bicker like kids" Ilara laments has she walks in on the both of them, "how's Rani and Jace??" Sai directs his attention to Ilara, "they are alright, no we can concentrate on the events of tonight, any ideas for a plan yet??" Ilara replies, "well I've got one but I have a feeling we might have to come into direct confrontation with a lot of people tonight, are you guys up for it??" Sai responds has he rose to his feet, "what's the plan detective??" Dan asks with a smirk...…..

TIME : 3:25PM


A group of people can be seen sitting at the park, arguing amongst themselves and causing quite a ruckus with their voices, Cheng walks on to the podium and silence engulfs the park, "ladies and gentlemen, I'm quite aware why we are having this meeting now; it's to talk about the recent events that have taken place in the city, including the most recent that ended up with over fifty officers hospitalized and a few civilians injured, well I'm here to inform you that there is no cause for alarm as I have charged the police chief of our great city to track down the miscreants that have caused all these havoc and bring them to justice" Cheng announces

"do you have any ideas on who this criminals are and how far has the chief gone in a bid to stop them once and for all??" A reporter asks, "no I do not know who the criminal are and I'm very sure police Chief Gr'egor is making use of all resources at his disposal to nab the perpetrators of the recent string of troubles we have experienced in our great city" Cheng replies after which he leave the stage while his spokesman took care of the remainder of the questions thrown….

"would you look at that, he seems pretty angry and upset.. I wonder what he is planning" Sai watches from a distance using a pair of binoculars, "he will fall just like Armstrong did, I can guarantee you that" Dan's expression is nothing short of menacing, "we can't kill them Dan" Ilara remarks has she adjusts her position to face Dan, "we'll see" Dan replies has they watch Cheng enter into his vehicle and drive off...…..