Total waste of time

TIME : 8:48PM


Sai and Ilara congratulate each other on the success of their mission but it's soon cut short by the waking of the gambler that had been shot earlier.

"Well hello there."

Ilara greets the man tied in place.

"Who are you guys and where am I??"

The man asks gruffly while trying to break free from his bindings. the room seems to be the same one used to keep Dan a few months ago after their first meeting.

"My name is Sai and this is my partner, Ilara… we are private detectives investigating Mr Cheng's contacts throughout the city during his tenure as governor."

Sai responds has he proceeds to take a seat in front of the man.

"Why are you trying to dig up the past.. It's been three months since that man's death, what do you hope to achieve with all these??"

The man asks with a grumble.

"We know who you are, Saru, no need to try and act dumb….. We know you worked for Cheng and you were part of the guys that found the golden scroll which was used to in the transaction between Cheng and Crow….. Even though Cheng and his immediate subordinates are dead, crime in this city hasn't even taken a break and is getting even higher with the recent crackdown on corruption by the current governor, we know it has something to do with the fact that Cheng was just a pawn but we need to know who he worked for and also where Crow is currently."

Ilara replies as she proceeds to take her seat beside Sai.

"How do you guys think I'd know all that??"

Saru asks with disdain.

"You're the information guy for the Street Hoppers and you guys were in direct contact with Cheng throughout his tenure, so I was hoping you'd be willing to share some of your information with us."

Sai jokes but Saru seems to be having none of it.

"It would be best you let me go because you won't be getting anything from me, I don't know anything same as you guys…. I'm just a lackey that does what he's told."

Saru says with a frown, Sai and Ilara exchange looks before getting back to interrogating Saru further.

"That was a total waste of time."

Ilara groans has she steps out of the room with Sai following closely behind.

"Tell me about it….. He basically had nothing new to tell us, complete waste of time, effort and a good plan."

Sai replies as they head to the sitting room.

"well at least we helped the cops catch some more of Cheng's associates."

Ilara comments has she takes a seat on the fluffy cushion.

"I know right, those guys should be thanking us cause without us they would be nowhere on this crackdown on corruption going on at the moment….. Your dad really is doing a lot for this city just two months after his election, I guess I have a reason to hate him less" Sai chuckles has he sits beside Ilara.

"Firstly, you don't hate him, secondly, he's just doing what he feels is right… though I'm worried that Cheng's masters could see the recent developments in the city and come for blood."

Ilara says with a worry on her face.

"Don't worry about it, everything will be fine…. Though I'm a bit worried still about the whole Crow getting away incident, if I am right and he does come back hunting for blood, then there's a problem."

Sai responds with worries of his own, Ilara rests her head on Sai's chest and Sai strokes her flowing hair to ease the tension.