Kanamara family dinner

TIME : 8:01PM


"I can't believe your dad actually invited me over for dinner."

Sai remarks as he stares at the wonderful edifice before him. The mansion was quite a sight to behold with its outlook being one of grandeur and splendor.

"Why so surprised??"

Ilara asks with a smile.

"What do you mean by, why so surprised, this has never happened before…. I wonder what made him invite me over this time."

Sai questions with a suspicion.

"maybe it has to do with a certain someone threatening to not come over again except you're invited as well."

Ilara replies with a grin.

"Wait a minute, babe did you threaten your dad with not coming over again except he invited me as well??"

Sai asks wide eyed.


Ilara replies with an air of excitement.

"Why would you do such a thing??"

Sai asks with a worry that certainly puts off Ilara.

"Huh…. I thought you'd be happy that I did that."

Ilara says with a sudden doubt.

"I would but this is your dad we are talking about here even if he budged cause he wants to see you that doesn't mean this dinner is gonna be all daisies for me."

Sai explained with a worry.

"Oh now that you put it like that, I guess I did make a mistake… Sorry bout that."

Ilara replies with a worried look.

"Hmm, don't worry about it. Hopefully we don't face too much drama tonight."

Sai remarks with a calm voice.

"Yeah, hopefully."

Ilara chips in.

"We should head inside so as to not keep them waiting."

Sai says after which he and Ilara begin to walk towards the edifice before them.

Sai and Ilara are welcomed at the front door by a butler who seemed to be waiting for them.

He is dressed in a black suit with a monocle on his left eye. He appears to be in his fifties with a calm demeanor and his right arm placed behind his back.

"Ms Ilara, it's so nice to meet you, you're late."

The butler says with a calm.

"Gin, it's really nice that you're the one that comes to welcome us, I'm really sorry for being late, we had some work."

Ilara replies as she proceeds to give the butler a hug.

"Mr Kisoka, it's nice to finally meet the man who has been taking care of my pimpim. I really do hope that you won't ever do anything to hurt her."

Gin remarks as he greets Sai.

"Nice to meet you too, uh..."

Sai begins.

"Gin Deko."

The butler replies.

"Mr Deko, who is pimpim??"

Sai asks with peaked interest.

"Oh yeah, pimpim is the title Gin calls I and my sister whenever we are together. we came up with it when we were younger…. Gin has been there since I and my sister were little kids."

Ilara comments has she places her arm underneath Gin's arm.

"And watching you two grow was exceedingly tiring."

Gin teases with a smile.

"Oh c'mon that's not fair."

Ilara let's out a laugh with Sai joining in.

"Well it would seem Ilara has always been troublesome."

Sai says between burst of laughter with Ilara pouting.

"No fair. Both of you are ganging up to tease me."

Sai and Gin laugh for a little while longer before they are forced to coordinate themselves at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Gin… are Ilara and Sai here??"

Mrs. Kanamara asks as she walks towards the door.

"Yes ma'am, Ilara and Mr Kisoka are here."

Gin replies with a calm.


Ilara yells as she runs towards her mother and giver her a tight hug.

"My daughter, I've missed you, you look well."

Nia remarks as she stares down her daughter after they had broken the hug.


Ilara is about to speak before another familiar voice cuts her off.


Ilara turns to face her younger sister Nara who rushes to her and gives her a tight hug inadvertently carrying as she did so.

"I'm so happy you're back."

Nia exclaims as she continues to hug her sister.

"Nara....You're hugging to tight."

Ilara groans as she struggles to get free.

"I'm sorry."

Nara apologizes as she sets her sister down.

"just got a little excited with your presence."

Ilara gives her a loving smile before hugging her.

"it's nice to see my younger sister happy."

"Well that's because you're here now."

Nia remarks as she stands beside the two sisters.

Sai coughs to get the attention of the family.

"Sai… how are you."

Nia says with a smile as she gestures to him to come forward.

"I'm fine."

Sai replies as he hugs Nia.

Nara breaks out of her hug with Ilara to face Sai.

"So you've been keeping my sister with you without thinking about her family, right??"

Nara says with a sass.


Ilara cautions.

"It's fine…. Well I didn't really mean to keep her for so long, accept my humble apologies."

Sai remarks with a calm voice and a mock bow causing Nara to chuckle.

"Well I won't be forgiving you that easily…"

Nara trails off as another person joins them at the door.

"Is that you, Ilara??"

Kame asks as he walks towards the little gathering at the front door.


Ilara exclaims and runs towards Kame to give him a tight hug.

"How are you, my beautiful daughter??"

Kame asks calmly as he gives Ilara a tight hug.

"I've been well father, thank you for honoring my request over inviting Sai as well."

Ilara says with a smile.

"Anything for my daughter."

Kame replies after which he fixes his gaze on Sai and glares at him with an annoyance.

"Good evening sir, it's nice to see you again…. I appreciate the gesture of inviting me for dinner, I promise you won't regret it."

Sai approaches Kame but stops at the intense gaze Kame gave him.

"I hope I won't."

Kame responds after which he returns his gaze to his daughter.

"Let us sit, we have a lot to talk about."

Kame says after which they all head into the sitting room.