Hello, stranger

Dinner is over and the Kanamara family are sharing their goodbyes, "couldn't you stay longer, we would really like that" Nara says has she holds onto Sai, "we wish we could but we have a lot of work to do so has to be prepared for the defense exams" Sai replies with a smile, "we'll miss you a lot, please don't stay too long without visiting, OK" Nia remarks has she hugs Ilara with Kame hovering over them.

"father.." Ilara says has she detaches from her mother, "be well.. Take good care of yourself and know that this house is always open for you" Kame remarks has Ilara gives him a tight hug, "OK then, we'll be going now, take care" Ilara waves has she and Sai head towards the park.

"Ms. Kanamara" Gin calls out, "Gin, I was thinking you'd be to busy to wish us goodbye" Ilara remarks has she gives him a tight hug, "there was no way I would miss your send off, take care of yourself and make sure to come back soon… we'll be expecting you" Gin says has he heads back into the mansion leaving Sai and Ilara to their thoughts, "it will be some time before we see them again, let's get going we have work to do" Sai says has they get into their vehicle...…

TIME : 10:05PM


Clark and Tara survey their surroundings has they walk over the bodies of unconscious thugs, "still no clue on where Crow could be, this is starting to upset me" Clark says has he puts his naginata back in place at his back, "Yeah I have to agree that I didn't think we'd take this long looking for him, I'm worried at what Yakob would say when he finds out we haven't gotten any clues as to where Crow is" Tara remarks but is soon startled by the ringing of her telephone.

she picks the call and places the receiver at her ear, "hello" Tara says, "this is Yakob, have you guys gotten any leads on Crow's whereabouts??" Yakob asks over the phone, "not yet, most of the thugs we've met haven't been able to give us any leads, we're basically grasping at straws here" Tara replies calmly, "suspected as much, anyways I got something for you, got some Intel from a couple of good lads who informed me that Crow had left the city a couple of days back" Yakob says, "of course that's why we haven't been able to get anything, the bastard is on the run" Tara says has Clark's interest in the conversation peaks, "not exactly on the run, more like he is taking a vacation to reassert his goals… you guys should head over to Roc, you'll find him there, nab him and bring him in" Yakob replies.

"yeah sure no problem, what about you… what are you gonna do??" Tara asks, "I've got students to teach and I'm sure you and Clark can take care of Crow so talk to you later" Yakob says after which the line goes dead, "so what now??" Clark asks, "we head over to Roc" Tara replies after which they head towards the exit of the building…..

TIME : 8:12AM


"why did you let us die??" Hermit stands in front of him and asks with a charred face, "I'm sorry, I didn't know my vendetta would end up affecting you" Dan replies has he is on his knees crying, "you are so selfish thinking about only yourself and your dastardly revenge… now tell me are you at peace after killing Cheng… tell me!!!!" Hermit yells has he walks towards Dan, "stay back, please stay back… I'm sorry for what happened to you, I promise I'll make it up to you by adhering to the advise you gave to me" Dan says has he begins to crawl back, suddenly other members of Hermit's family appear and begin to walk towards Dan, their flesh charred with despair in their eyes

"you killed us Dan"

"it hurts Dan, save us"

"this is all your fault, I hate you"

"I hate you, I wish I never gave you shelter… you have brought death and destruction to my home"

Dan jerks up from his slumber sweating profusely, he is breathing heavily with his body shaking from the nightmare he had, they were common place now with Dan normally having such nightmares once or twice before breakfast.

His mind was being tortured as he blamed himself for the deaths of Hermit and his family, though he was not too far from the truth. With Cheng dead, Dan had lost purpose, he had lost his will to live and he needed something to live for has he toyed with death every single day from trying to hang himself to cutting his wrist, he had tried but was never able to complete the task, Dan was a walking corpse.

Dan gets up from bed and heads to the sink to clean his face, he looks pretty haggard with his hair scattered and his eyes tired, the room he stays in is dimly lit with the place in total disarray, Dan laps water from the sink and splashes it on his face after which he rubs his eyes to get the sleep out, "another dream without a way to get rid of them, my heart is torn and now I have nothing to use to distract me from the pain and suffering I feel" Dan mutters to himself as he staggers back to his bed and falls face first into it.

a knock is heard on the door and Dan turns his face towards the door with annoyance, "leave me alone whomever you are, I'm not ready for whatever you want from me", the knock continues unabated causing Dan to get up from the bed angrily to find out who it was, he unlocks the door and opens it to set his eyes on Ilara who had a smile on her face, "Hello, stranger" .