Nice to see you again

Dan, Sai and Ilara move deeper into the jungle as they continue their search for an orb with the trio not having any luck with finding any thus far, taking note of the route they followed while keeping their eyes in their trackers to be sure they don't miss an orb due to their hurried pace.

"Do you guys even know where you're going, for all we know we could be running in circles with no chance of getting an orb let alone making it back to base in one piece."

Ilara complains with neither Dan nor Sai taking any heed to her words.

"Hey, I'm talking …why are you ignoring me."

Ilara whines as she comes to a halt, Sai stops when he notices that Ilara had stopped following with Dan following suit after heaving a sigh of frustration.

"why'd you stop??"

Dan questions as both he and Sai come to where Ilara stood.

"Hey be a little more nicer."

Sai remarks as he proceeds to hold Ilara but is rebuffed as Ilara wriggles out of his grasp.

"What's wrong??"

Sai asks with a worry.

"You guys were ignoring me as I was talking."

Ilara whines childishly with Dan heaving a much louder sigh of frustration.

"Uhmm babe we were trying to keep quiet so we'd be able to keep in touch with what goes on around us so we don't risk an ambush."

Sai says with a calm voice.

"I knew that."

Ilara attempts to lie.

"No you didn't."

Dan retorts after which an explosion is heard not too far from them.

"What the hell was that."

Ilara asks wide-eyed with Sai putting out his tracker and getting a beep signaling the presence of an orb not too far from them, Dan notices the beeping with Sai looking at him for a decision on what to do.

"That explosion might be as a result of another island creature or as a result of two teams fighting for possession of an orb, I'm thinking it's most likely the latter."

Dan remarks with his hand to his chin.

"So the question is if we are brave enough to go check it out and run the risk of either getting our ass handed to us by a rival team or getting killed by whatever creature is powerful enough to cause such an explosion."

Sai weighs their options with a calm demeanor.

"I say we go check it out, what about you guys."

Ilara asks with enthusiasm in her voice.

"Yeah we should but let's be careful."

Sai says with Dan and Ilara agreeing after which they move in the direction of the explosion.


Yakob and Mae are at the coast investigating for any signs of intrusions as noted by the technical crew.

"There seems to be signs of an intruder, see the footprints."

Mae crotches over a set of footprints that lead into the forest.

"Those prints are a bit too obvious for comfort, I've got a feeling they were planted to deceive us."

Yakob remarks as he sets his gaze on the ocean.

"So what are you saying??"

Mae asks.

Yakob surveys the coast from his standing position before finally crouching to feel the earth.

"what are you doing??"

Mae asks walking up to Yakob.

"I have a feeling whoever came in flew in and planted those footprints to distract us."

Yakob remarks standing to his feet.

"I have a feeling you might have an idea who it is."

Mae shoots Yakob a suspicious look.

"Yeah I think so but if it's who I think it is then we really need to find the person before things get out of hand."

Yakob replies with a worry.

"That sounds ominous, we should go then."

Mae says with Yakob agreeing with her after which both agents leave the coast in haste towards the jungle.


Boa is seen kneeling in front of Han breathing heavily with several bruises on his body with his clothes tattered to the point of looking like rags, Han is seen looking down on Boa with a prideful look on his face and satisfaction in his eyes, he also had bruises but not as much as Boa's or nearly as severe with only some little cuts here and there.

"You really put up quite the fight, Variant scum but in the end I was the better fighter, testament to the fact that Weaponmasters are forever superior to your kind, now you kneel at my feet like a dog begging for mercy as is meant to be, now beg for your life."

Han gloats with a dangerous smile.


Sinatra yells as she tries to get free from her captor, Dean is rendered utterly helpless as Urch held onto him in such a manner that he felt like his bones were getting crushed.

"You really are a crazy person, even at the cost of your participation in this exam, you are willing to do whatever it takes all in the name of a misguided notion that Variants are a scourge on our world when in actual fact the real scourge are criminals and fanatics like you who go around causing trouble for others, unfortunately I will not be able to lower my standards to beg someone like you for mercy so do what you want."

Boa remarks as he attempts to stand up to his feet, Han sees this and as it did not sit well with him he kicks Boa's chin after which he lands another kick on his torso which sends Boa flying into a tree causing the tree to break on impact, Han let's out a chuckle with Dean and Sinatra looking on helplessly.

"I'm getting tired of this, just die already."

Han says after which he picks up his staff and aims it like a pole vault, hurling it with immense force towards Boa with intent to impale Boa who is extremely weakened by the incessant assaults of Han on him to even move, before the staff can reach Boa an iron wall comes up in front of Boa with the staff making impact with the wall and getting wedged in it, everyone present is awestruck at the sudden appearance of the wall that saved Boa.

"Who did this??"

Han asks.

Dan jumps down from a tree behind Boa and stands atop the iron wall.

"I knew that name was familiar, didn't think I'd ever see you again, Beast."

Dan remarks in a calm tone with his attention fixated on Han.