Crow vs Yakob III ( Compatibility)

"Hametsu – tekina hanpatsu ( Catastrophic repulsion)."

Crow blasts Yakob and the rest with a powerful wave that decimates the landscape with the Yakob, Mae, Ilara, Sai and an unconscious Dan being in the middle of the destructive wave. A massive dust cloud hovers over the place Crow had just viciously blasted with him levitating over it with a smirk on his face.

"Finally, I've gotten rid of…."

Crow stops in his tracks as the dust cloud clears to reveal a huge ball made of intertwined wires.

"What is that??"

Crow is about to move towards the ball when he is surprised from the side by Yakob as he lands a massive kick which sends Crow crashing into the earth with a loud bang with Yakob landing close to the ball of wires with the ball opening up to reveal Mae and the others within.

"Thanks for the save, Mae. I know we are just being a burden to you at this point."

Ilara says.

"Don't mention it."

Mae replies as the wire around them dissipates completely. Yakob begins to walk towards the crash site of Crow with caution, Crow lays down in the middle of the crater his body had created with a frustrated look on his face, he turns and gets to his feet after which he proceeds to clamber out of the crater, once at the top Crow comes in sights of Yakob who stops in his tracks.

"You really have a lot of endurance, don't ya… Can't believe you walked like it was nothing."

Yakob remarks.

"Believe me it hurts like hell but right now I can't think about the pain but only how to kill those kids that you are trying so hard to protect."

Crow replies still keeping his composure.

"You are sorely mistaken, my first priority is to capture you and deliver you to the D.O.D so that you may answer for your crimes against the government."

Yakob begins to walk towards Crow throwing caution to the wind.

"I guess I underestimated the security of this island, I had hoped it would be a quick in and out mission without much complications but I guess I was wrong, well no bother because no matter what even if I have to sink this island I shall have my pound of flesh and take what I came here for from those three."

Crow says pointing in the direction of Sai and Ilara as they knelt behind Mae.

"I'll love to see you try."

Yakob responds after which he bursts into a sprint towards Crow, Yakob is in front of Crow within mere seconds and is about to land a blow on Crow but his fist is repelled and he takes a few steps back.

"What just happened?"

Crow looks on at Yakob with an intense murderous look on his face, Yakob readies himself for anything with Crow moving towards him at a blistering pace, Crow puts out his fist as if to punch Yakob with the latter putting up his hand to block it but then Crow fakes a punch and then proceeds to release a repulsive force from his fist which takes Yakob by surprise and sends him flying a few meters back, Mae shudders a bit as she attempts to move to the aid of Yakob but thinks twice about it after which she steadies herself, Ilara had noticed this and wondered just how much training and experience Mae must have gone through to be able to make such quick fire decisions without letting her emotions cloud her better judgement.

"I would have done the exact opposite, I guess I have a lot to learn."

Ilara thinks to herself. Crow watches Yakob get back to his feet.

"That was a really strong punch."

Yakob remarks cleaning the dust from his face.

"it's clear to see that your ranking as a Weaponmaster is not up to my standing as a Variant which is why you employ the assistance of the Variant woman but now that I have understood just how your team up works you should give up as there is no chance of you beating me."

Crow remarks.

"Oh really, you think too highly of yourself, Crow."

Yakob responds pissed at Crow's words.

"Of course, that's only because I'm assured of victory, Compatibility is in my favor at this point surely you should be aware of that."

"What's compatibility?"

Ilara asks Mae to the hearing of Crow with the latter looking in their direction after which he begins to levitate, Yakob sees this and attempts to stop him by rushing forward but Crow catches him with another repulsive force causing him to step back but this doesn't deter him for long as he launches another attack attempting to bring Crow into close combat with him.

"Compatibility is the phenomenon that occurs between two variants and their abilities whereby both variant abilities are taken into consideration to scale so as to see if their abilities would in a basic sense allow for a balanced battle between the variants."

Mae replies with an eye on the battle.