Crow vs Yakob V

Before Crow can get to his feet, Yakob puts his left fist backwards and immediately lunges out like as though he were punching the air.

"Fu~yūrī no ken ( Fury's fist )."

One minute Crow is standing and the next minute he is blasted a hundred meters back with explosive force, Yakob smirks and dashes forward intent on finishing the fight in one strike.

"Hametsu-tekina hanpatsu ( Catastrophic repulsion)."

A massive wave erupts from where Crow had landed and blows up the view in front of him with Yakob in the middle. A huge dust cloud covers the area hit by Crow's attack as the landscape changed even further with more craters being formed and the trees getting torn apart with the affected area sizing up to seventy six thousand, nine hundred square feet.

Crow attempts to move forward as he notices no movement in the dust cloud but stops in his tracks almost immediately as a shadow begins to charge towards him, Crow begins to blast the shadow with repulsive force but the figure jumps around until it finally jumps into view, high into the air, Yakob attempts a kick from above but Crow is having none of it as he binds Yakob using attractive force and drags him forward, Yakob tries to break free but his attempts are futile as Crow brings him in and lands a punch reinforced with repulsive force on Yakob's stomach with the latter getting blasted back with so much force to cause an explosion upon impact to the surface, Crow has a smirk on his face as he begins to walk towards Yakob with the latter staggering to his feet due to the force Crow had used on him.

"Let go again."

Yakob says and sprints forward towards Crow with the latter doing same though not at equal speeds, the two meet in the middle and the real battle starts as both men go at each other with dreadful determination in their movements.

"He's gotten even more faster, much more stronger than before. how's that even possible??... And what's that strange aura around him??"

Sai asks in awe.

"So you can see it, huh."

Mae remarks as she kept her eyes peeled on the battlefield.

"What aura??"

Ilara asks with a confused look.

"Don't you see it??"

Sai asks surprised.

"See what??"

Ilara asks as her confusion grows.

"There's an aura around Yakob, don't you see it??"

Sai asks.

"Nope, I don't see anything."

Ilara replies.

"It would be impossible for you to see, only Weaponmasters can see ki, variants can't see it."

Mae remarks.

"Oh, that makes more sense."

Ilara replies.

"I thought you could see it?? sounded like you could see it."

Sai asks Mae.

"Oh no I don't, it's just that I've spent so much time with Yakob that I've gotten use the heaviness in the air when he uses ki to strengthen his body and increase his physical stats."

Mae replies turning her attention to the battle.

"Oh, so it's because of him the air feels so heavy, that's how ki works huh."

Sai remarks wondering how long it would take him to master Ki.


A huge explosion of dust and earth occurs, Yakob lands not too far from the exploded area breathing in a coordinated manner, he tries to move forward but immediately stops as he feels something coming, he immediately steps out of the way with a powerful explosion exploding the earth from the crater that had just been made all the way to where he had stood a little while ago.

"I'll kill you!!"

Crow yells out as he leaps out of the crater and drops not too far from Yakob.

Crow seems really battered as different scars marred his body with blood coming from his lip and his head while Yakob had relatively small scars with him being the better looking of the two.

"I can't believe you are still standing, you really are quite resilient for a variant."

Yakob remarks as he eyed Crow from head to toe assuming that he would not be able to take another explosive attack again.

"You bastard, so you were keeping your real ranking as a Weaponmaster hidden up until a little while ago, and here I thought you would be not higher than a C+ ranker when you are in fact B-, I must say you got me good but I cannot fall here without having my revenge on those dastardly cops as well as retrieve my scroll."

Crow replies.

"Scroll??.. What scroll??"

Yakob asks but is not given an answer as Crow begins to let out a battle cry causing the earth to shatter as both attractive and repulsive forces began to whip around him in an uncoordinated and destructive fashion.