Taken into custody / Flashback

Mae grabs his shoulder calling his attention back to their current situation, "Sorry I got lost in thought, let's get going."


Mae responds as she begins to wrap up Sai, Dan and Ilara in thin wiring after which they take their leave.

Jeroam and Markov appear just above the point of impact between Crow's suicide meteor and the ocean floor, not too long after they had arrived did a figure burst out of the ocean surface to come to a level plain with Jeroam and Markov as they stood in mid air ( not exactly mid air as Jeroam had warped the space underneath them to become solid so it's more like they were standing on solid space).

Crow looked battered and bruised in so many places it was enough to draw pity out of anyone who saw him.

"You have some nerve sneaking into my island and attacking D.O.D candidates taking part in the defense exams. Not only that but you also attempted to cause serious amounts of damage to the island itself which would have gravely endangered other participants as well, what do you have to say for yourself before I reel you in."

Markov remarks menacingly, Crow begins to laugh in a maniacal manner causing Markov to squint his eyes in annoyance as he felt that the former was making fun of him.

"What's so funny."

Markov asks as he begins to walk towards Crow, Crow notices this and immediately puts up his palm to blast Markov but the latter sees this and immediately takes advantage of the lag in Crow's attack to close the distance between then at hypersonic speed and grab a hold of his neck after which he begins to choke him, Crow struggles to get out of his grasp but it only seemed to make matters worse as Markov only tightened his grip to the point of almost breaking his neck.

"Let me go."

Crow struggles to breath as he held on to Markov's wrist.

"You are going to come with me quietly to the interrogation room where you will be having a nice conversation with I and the elder you see standing over there."

Markov says as he looked at Crow with a menacing look on his face which sent chills down the spine of Crow.

"Let him go Markov I'm sure he gets to the message you are trying to pass across no need to be so violent."

Jeroam remarks calmly.

"Alright then."

Markov agrees after which Crow passes out from a lack of breath, Markov puts him up on his shoulder with Jeroam opening a portal back, both men walk in and the portal closes up.

TIME : 9:00AM



"You seem troubled, my boy.. Are you OK??"

An old man walks up to a younger Dan as he sat at the edge of a hill lost in thought with his eyes set in the distance.

"Do you think I'd be able to get justice for them, my parents I mean."

Dan asks meekly as he turned his gaze to his master.

"Well let's see; you are quite brunt and with a lot of anger in your heart making it hard for you to progress without endangering yourself, but then your determination is something that speaks a lot about you. You have set your mind to getting justice for your parents by hunting down those who took them from you so I have a feeling that you would be successful in your mission."

The old man replies as he takes a sip beside Dan.

"Am I doing the right thing??"

Dan asks.

"I have no right to tell you what is right or wrong, you are the one to decide for yourself. I am only teaching you because I feel that if I don't you won't be able to handle yourself when you go out there into the terrible society we live in. You know when I found you all tattered and battered in the woods, I saw something in your eyes; it was never pity that caused me to take you in but that spark in your eyes, I do hope that no matter what you face in life, that spark never leaves you."

The old master says as he places his hand on Dan's hair and ruffled it up.

[Flashback ends ].