Administrative summons

"Oh hello nurse."

Sai greets with a charming smile.

"Oh my, the patient is awake, this is quite unexpected but it's good that it happened, I should check on his vitals. Please you both should go and call the doctor here."

The nurse says has she walks up the side of Dan's bed.

"Of course, uhmm Dan we'll be back soon."

Ilara assures as she walks out of the room with Sai following suit.

"They are really good friends of yours, right??"

The nurse chimes in breaking Dan's train of thought.

"What makes you say that??"

Dan inquires with a raised brow.

"Well ever since you were brought in, they have been here at the clinic almost all the time keeping watch over you. They both seemed really worried about you especially the girl."

The nurse responds with a smile.

"Oh… Well they are not my friends, we are just in the same team."

Dan replies without feeling as he lays back down in bed with the nurse raising a brow to what he had said before deciding to begin her analysis instead of asking any further questions.

Sai and Ilara are seen walking down the clinic hall, they go passed a turn and end up accosted by Yakob and Mae whom they saw standing at the waiting area seemingly waiting for someone, Yakob notice Sai and Ilara standing not too far from where they sat and waves at them with Mae also noticing and immediately walking towards them, Yakob follows after her meeting with Sai and Ilara where they stood.

"Hey, how have you guys been."

Mae asks as she walks up to Sai.

"Been good. Kinda surprised to see you here though."

Sai remarks.

"Why is that??"

Yakob asks.

"Well ever since you guys dropped us off here, you haven't come to see us even once so kinda surprised you'd come today. Except you aren't actually here to see us."

Ilara chimes in.

"Oh Sorry bout that, we've actually been really busy with clean up. Honestly we were always going to come and check on you guys."

Mae says.

"It's cool though, it's not like it was required that you come check on us anyways how's clean up??"

Sai asks attempting to change the topic.

"It's going great, we have cleared up most of the rubble and filled up most of the craters but I guess the landscape is changed forever as the trees are cleared up and the earth around that area is kind of unstable now."

Yakob replies.

"Oh, well I guess it should be no surprise if we take into account what went down there, I'd be surprised if there wasn't any permanent damage."

Ilara says as her mind began to wonder, Mae notices the look on Ilara's face and proceeds to ask her what the problem was.

"Is something wrong, you seem to be worried about something."

Ilara looks towards Mae as the question had startled her a bit.

"Yeah everything is OK but I and Sai were actually on our way to the doctor's office to call him for Dan, the nurse told us to get him so that he could examine Dan."

"Oh wow how is he??... I thought he wasn't supposed to wake up for a few more days."

Mae asks.

"He seems to be fine now but we cannot be sure until the doctor has examined him thoroughly."

Sai replies.

"I understand but I will need you to come up with me, Sai… the administrator wants to speak with you."

Yakob remarks with Sai and Ilara looking at him with questioning looks.