Future goals / A little chat between old friends

"Awwn, you're gonna make me blush. Anyways, have you decided what you are going to do??"

Ilara questions.

"Well… Markov said that my father was never actually found dead, he went missing during his last assignment and has not been found since then."

Sai explains.

"So what are you going to do with that piece of information??... Are you going to go look for him??"

Ilara asks.

"I'm still thinking about that but for the time being I think I'll just concentrate on the reason we are here… I mean I already promised to help you get into the D.O.D, I can't go back on my word now neither can I abandon you now because of this new piece of information."

Sai asserts with Ilara heaving a sigh of relief.

"I know I'm being selfish for saying this but I'm happy that you are staying. I don't know how I'd survive if you decided to abandon everything."

"Don't worry about that, I'm not going anywhere."

Sai assures as he pulls Ilara closer and places a kiss on her forehead.

"But it wouldn't be fair if you supported me in my ambition while you keep your mission on hold till further notice."

Ilara remarks as she pulls back from Sai.

"So what do you suggest I do?"

Sai asks.

"How about we do it like this; if we are able to get into the D.O.D, I'd like it we made it a side mission to find out what happened to your dad."

Ilara suggests with Sai nodding in agreement.

"Sounds good enough, If anything he deserves to be heard. Though I wonder if he really is still alive."

Sai muses as his nerves begin settle and his thoughts ease up causing him to return to his usual self.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure he's out there somewhere."

Ilara assures.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you."

Sai remarks with Ilara blushing heavily.

"You're welcome."

TIME : 9:00PM


Yakob walks up to the door and knocks raptly with a response coming from inside telling him to enter, He turns the knob and walks in to see Markov standing by the window with his hands behind his back and his eyes peeled on the view that the large window afforded.

Yakob walks up to the cushion at the right side of the office and takes a seat, crossing his legs and feeling at home. A few minutes pass by with no words uttered by both men, the silence is finally broken as Yakob let's out a dry cough with Markov turning to face him.

"What do you want??"

Markov asks turning back to the view in front of him.

"How did the meeting with the Ean's boy go??"

Yakob asked passively.

"Just as I thought it would. He hates his father and it's all my fault for convincing Ean to go on that last mission, quite unfortunate that his offspring would have feel such negative emotions towards him due to the feeling of abandonment felt by Sai."

Markov laments in a solemn tone with Yakob letting out a light grunt.

"If you knew how he was going to react then why did you call him in??... He seemed to be pretty happy with his life, why soil it with memories of a man that you sent to his death??"

Yakob asks with a slight annoyance.

"Because he needed to know the truth. I knew that he would have such emotions towards Ean so I needed to clear him on the real truth behind his father. You and I both know that what I chose to say during the meeting was the right thing."

Markov remarks.

"Tch.. Did you tell him the whole thing??" Yakob asks.

"He didn't let me finish, hopefully what I was able to tell him would help shape up the distorted view he has of his father."

Markov replies as he finally turns to take his seat and face Yakob.

"I was expecting that. Don't worry about it, I'll speak with the boy later."

Yakob says as he rides to his feet and heads for the door.

"Thank you."

Markov mutters under his breath with Yakob stopping in his tracks and turning to face him.

"Get that weak expression off your face, it really doesn't suit you."

Yakob rebukes after which he leaves Markov to his thoughts.