End of Test day 2 / Test day 3 ( A test of mental fortitude)

"Oh shit, I thought I lost that beast."

Sai mutters to himself as he picks up the pace. Sprinting forward with everything in him but then the boar still closes on on him, threatening to trample over him.

Sai tries to keep the distance between himself and the boar when he sights a rock not too far from him.

"Nice, I think I can use that."

Sai mutters under his breath as he picked up the pace once more, dashing towards the rock with a determined look on his face.

He reaches the rock and immediately runs along its side, doing a flip and narrowly avoiding the boar has it crashed into the rock and got knocked out cold.

"Damn. I didn't think that would work but thankfully it did."

Sai remarks softly as he then sat on the ground to catch his breath.

"I wonder how the other masters are faring. Maybe they would be done by now. I need to get back on track or else I risk falling behind and I can't let that happen. Ilara is counting on me."