End of Test day 3 / Preparations for the appointed time

"Tell me something."

Dan turns to face Hiyori.

"What's that??"

"What exactly have you seen?. I mean a normal person would have reacted in some way to those images but you didn't, how come??"

"I haven't seen anything compared to what I saw in those images but I have reached a stage in my life where I no longer care neither does anything surprise me. Razas are a beastly race, why would I be surprised that such things occur in our world."

Dan replies placing his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"There are no words."

Hiyori remarks as the shocked expression in her face changed to one of extreme interest.

"May I leave now??"

Dan asks.

"Yes of course. Lead him out the other way."

Hiyori orders and watches Dan leave with one of her assistant.

"Dan Ruso…."

Hiyori mutters under her breath before chuckling to herself after which she begins to walk towards the door that led to the room where the other two participants were waiting.
