Combat test day nine

"I know it is not right but judging from what I have found out this far, it is safe to say that Dusik and Roman are our two likely suspects for who exactly the mole is based on my investigation so far."

Markov remarks.

"I can understand why you would say that but we need to be absolutely sure lest we call out the wrong people."

Jeroam replies.

"Alright then."

Markov turns to leave with Yakob following suit.


Jeroam calls out with Yakob turning to face him.

"How is Mae currently??"

Jeroam asks showing a bit of concern.

"She is fine. Recuperating well in the medical bay. Thank you for your concern."

Yakob replies with a slight bow after which he takes his leave.

"If this is truly the work of Jericho then I wonder what those scientific dollop heads are thinking by openly attacking in this manner."

Jeroam mutters to himself as he reclines back into his chair. 

TIME : 11:00AM