Ilara vs Killian II ( Combat Test)

"That last attack of yours really did a number on me. I only have a few minutes of consciousness left in me before I give out. But I won't be letting you win this encounter so easily. You would be unconscious before my time is up."

Killian remarks as he returns his gaze to Ilara.

"I know I'm weak, Killian. I know that I am not strong enough to protect everyone. I realize that I can't even take care of myself due to my weakness causing me to always have to rely on those around me but that doesn't mean that I would give up on my goals or ambitions. My name is Ilara Kanamara and as long as I am still conscious, I will fight with everything I've got so prepare for a rough time right about now."

Ilara retorts with a determined look on her face as she proceeds to slam her foot into Killian's side causing him to let go of her ankle after which she rolls a few meters away and stands to her feet still clinging onto her dislocated right arm.
