Clash of swords II ( Combat test )

Reggie swings his blade in one wide arc, causing a shock wave that pushed Dan a few meters back with the latter putting up his hands as a block.

As Dan dropped his hands, he got blindsided by Reggie as the latter drew up close, just within range of his long blade.

"Be gone."

Reggie mutters to himself as he swings his blade again, this time in the direction of Dan's torso.

Just as the blade is about to make contact, a clanking sound is heard as the long sword clashed with a rather tough piece of metal. Reggie seems shocked for a moment as he stared momentarily at the place of impact before then leaping back while drawing his sword, intent on cutting Dan.

"You really are good in close combat. I had no idea you were going to produce some sort of body armor just as I was this close to slashing through you."

Reggie remarks as he took a glance at where his sword had struck.