Flashback ( Group A )

"Do you??.. Because I feel like you need to be beaten up before you understand."

Ilara remarks as she formed a fist.

"Huh, why??"

Dan asks with a raised brow.

"This is your third time in the medical bay. What's more, it's like the hospital staff has gotten acquainted with you."

Ilara remarks with Dan letting out a sigh and Okoye chuckling a bit.

"I guess I would try to take things easy but then again…"

Dan trails off as he takes a look at Okoye whom had a smile on her face.

"Just try to take better care of yourself and don't be so reckless."

Ilara remarks, placing her palm on Dan's cheek.

"I don't think I have the luxury to do that anymore."

Dan remarks.


Okoye says his name with a confused expression on her face.

"Have you forgotten what you told us about the members of group A and what exactly is going on in this island??"

Dan asks causing Okoye to turn her face away.