Final Matchday : Dan x Han

"All the while I thought that I just couldn't stand her and even now I can't actually figure out when my sense of rivalry became one of malice. I really messed up."

Mira remarks letting out a sigh.

"You shouldn't…"

Killian trails off as the crowd around the combat arena erupt into a flurry of loud yelling as the two trap doors are opened with Dan and Han coming out from their respective tunnels.

"The match is starting."

Mira remarks.


Dan is kitted in his usual attire of a red hoodie, white t-shirt, black trouser as well as a pair of boots with the skin underneath his clothing being completely covered in iron.

Han on the other hand is dressed in a martial artist's attire with his staff hung loosely behind him.

Both men take slow and calculative steps towards the center of the arena, not caring for the loud noises escaping from the crowd watching them.

Once they had reached the center of the arena….