Final Matchday : Dan x Han III

"He seems to be trying to create some distance between him and his opponent, that Dan."

Mae remarks with Yakob clicking his tongue.

"In hand to hand combat, Dan would never be able to win. It would seem Han was testing his capabilities. First using weapons in which he found that Dan could measure up. Then speed which he quickly found out that he was faster. He basically bullied Dan in strength."

Yakob remarks as he deduced the workings of the match with only a keen eye.

"But the strength aspect was only during bursts of power. It doesn't seem like he can continue with the sudden bursts in aura just to keep up in strength."

Mae remarks with a shrug.

"Bursts or not, he has realized that he can overpower Dan if he focused all his strength into one attack which is disadvantageous for Dan. If he keeps up in melee combat, Dan would be rolling on the ground soon enough."

Yakob replies with a grim expression.