'The right thing to do'

"We know that you are a spy that Jericho had planted in the D.O.D so as to do their bidding which in this case is to disrupt the exams."

Markov remarks as he got to his feet.

"To accuse me without any solid evidence, Administrator Markov… do you know how grievous a sin that is??"

Dusik asks putting his head up to stare at Markov.

"The fact that you can low with such a straight face is what scares me the most about you Dusik. You are an amazing liar."

Markov remarks.

"And what makes you think I am lying??"

Dusik asks in so casual a manner that Markov could no longer stomach his actions.

"Tch. We are done here."

Markov says in annoyance as he turned to leave.

"Why don't you be patient, Markov??.... It shouldn't be too long from now before things begin to unravel."

Dusik calls after him in such a tone as to peak Markov's interest.

"Whatever you are planning won't succeed. I can assure you that."