Selection ceremony XXX ( A new resolution )

"Here he comes."

Yakob quickly moves forward as well.

Dusik goes straight to attacking, not giving Yakob an opening to use his acupuncture as he kept up the attack as his right arm hung limply from his body.

"I will kill you, motherfucker!!"

Dusik yelled more and more curse words as he kept up the assault.

"Damn it, it's like his raw power increased with his arm going limp. I need to push him back."

Yakob at that moment grabs a hold of Dusik's kick and pushes the latter back before quickly capitalizing on the fact that he was destabilized to launch a counter attack.

Before Dusik can regain himself, Yakob moves forward and stabs his fingers into several locations in the right side of his body, from his torso to his chest before landing a powerful punch on Dusik's jaw after which he follows it up with a round house kick that sent Dusik flying into a tree with an explosive force.
