Chapter 41

"Thank you, Frau Berthe, but I do know the way from here. I have been before, you know."

As she stormed up the metal staircase that led from Frau Berthe's bougainvillea-scented courtyard to the rooms upstairs, rage sparked all along Fury's veins.

Flint knew he was expected at ten o'clock. For the third day running, he wasn't just late, he was absent. Yesterday he'd called once. As for the day before that? She didn't want to think about the day before that. But she'd smelled drink on his breath. Rum. Quite a lot of it. What a surprise. Give the man an inch and he was sure to take ten miles.

Of course, she'd known it would take him less than a week to let her down. She was only surprised he'd managed the seven days. He was unreliable. He was untrustworthy. He was everything she didn't want in the father of her child. And he'd placed her in the unenviable position of having to fish him out. Of this place.