Chapter 42

Fury stared straight ahead. To add to everything, in her haste to rush here, she'd flung the veil over her straw hat. Only now did she realize that she looked like a beekeeper.

Well? Couldn't she happily deal with that for starters? After all, Frau Berthe hadn't been mortified, had she, at finding him here with two women? No, because no doubt she'd been run off her feet all week, showing women up the stairs and down. No doubt her only astonishment was that Fury here made it three.

No. Whatever else Fury did or didn't do here, she'd sooner die on the floor than give him the slightest inkling she was, in any way, upset. So that veil sitting on her head right now? She raised her hands.

"It's it's not what it looks like." His voice, rich and low, washed over her. "All right?"

She grasped the veil.

"Not what it looks like? Do pray tell me what it is. Even if what it is, in all honesty, neither surprises nor concerns me."