Chapter 53

"It's all right, you can open your eyes now."

Fury gritted her teeth, not only to hear Flint speak, but to find the neck of her dress undone.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Oh, I think you do."

Damn him, sitting there on the edge of the bed as if he belonged, when she was ill enough to be dying. At least he'd stirred himself to carry her up the stairs. Only now the crisis was over, he wasn't the type for fuss. Merely the type to enjoy opening her dress.

She took a deep breath. "Only if you tell me where she is."

"Lady Margaret?"

"Well I'm not meaning the Empress of Rome."

"She's lying down in the Blue Chamber. She's got the smelling salts and Susan. She'll be dandy."

"What did you say to her?"

"What do you think? I told her that her precious son was lost at sea."

My God, had Thomas's ghost risen up to haunt her for pushing him on that staircase and keeping him in a box?