Chapter 52

Lady Margaret ceased in mid-tirade to glare.

"Susan has just informed me of your visit," Fury added. "And yours, Lionel."

It was the way to address them, wasn't it? Boldly, as if she'd nothing to hide. And after all, now the cellar was empty, it would be a hard job proving anything.

"And so she should have." Lady Margaret's voice was bitter as lime rind, dipped in lemon juice and brine. "At ten o'clock in the day and you not even stirred. Pray tell me, are these disgusting habits Italian in origin? Well?"

Lady Margaret wasn't one to show her enthusiasm, for Fury in particular. She was hot, she was bothered, and her ruched navy bonnet wasn't the thing to wear in this boiling heat. On either side of the ribbon her cheeks drooped like a Basset Hound's. Fury marveled she could speak, although she wasn't the least surprised it was rudely.

"Things are very different here from in England, Mama."