CH 2 (past)

Adriana's POV

Adriana lay on the bed looking at the painted ceiling with her mother's favorite chrysanthemums and thinking. She remembered the days her mother would make her breakfast or come knocking on her door just to check up on her.

Her heartfelt heavy and her eyes grew wet from the memories but she knew that would never happen again. It's just her and her dad from now onwards, facing the storms together.

"Daddy let's always tell each other everything, no secrets." eight-year-old Adriana said to her father.

"si mia Regina, no secrets." her father replied.

"And padre you must never leave me, you promise." Little Adriana said with a twinkle in her eyes, she looked so pure and untainted from the ills of society but who can stay like that for so long? living in this ship called the world on this sea called Earth is like a virus that slowly contaminates every purity you ever had.

Antonio looked at his daughter and against his conscience, he gave a promise he wasn't sure he could fulfill"I promise mia, Regina."

Parents lie even when they don't want to but who can blame them, No one, when you love someone you try to shield them from the evils of society but then you realize that it was all wrong, at the end of the day a lie wasn't meant to be told in the first place.


Adriana's POV.

If I could take back the hands of time, I'd reverse the misery that fell on my mother. She'd tried to hide the pain away from me for so long but I knew that she was in pain, always.

My mother was my everything, she was my friend, my partner, my confidant, and my best friend. She'd always wanted to see my smile, she'd always been there for me.

Oh, death! Why did you choose to take my mum away?

I miss her so much, she left us when I was only seven, and ever since then, it has always been myself and my dad.

I am Adriana De Luca, daughter to Antonio De Luca, CEO of De Luca Corp. I've got Italian blood flowing in my veins which led to my tan skin.

I tie my platinum blonde hair in a bun and walked into the bathroom to splash water on my face. At eighteen, I'm still my father's daughter. He knows everything about me, from the first day I saw my period to my crushes and my friends.

He's practically my best friend and we tell each other everything since made the pact.

I'm your typical hedonistic rich kid, I drink, smoke, club, just name it.

I graduated from high school yesterday and tonight I'm going to properly celebrate with my friends

Well, I have four friends, Caden Black his dad owns an automobile corp.

Emily Adams my crazy best friend, her parents are both lawyers

Brittany Spears, the how of the group and her mom owns a fashion line, her mom's separated from her dad

and lastly Damon woods, his dad is a civil Engineer and they build stuff.

All though I have them as my friends, they are not as close to me as Emily is, I usually refer to them as my smoke friends.

They don't really know anything about me and I also don't know anything about them, the only thing we have in common is the club and smoke.

I'm at Emily's house getting ready for tonight

" you should wear this" Emily said to me, she lifts a black leather skirt and a white crop top, that says " kiss me now"

" let me see...yeah I'm totally wearing this, and here let me kiss you " I replied to her and tried to kiss her,

" get the fuck away from me Addy, before I commit murder and sit your ass down let me do your makeup," she said with the rise of an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am" did I mention that Emily is freaking good with makeup

30 minutes later and my face is reborn

"should I also do your hair"

"Yeah, Emmy the great"

"stop fucking patronizing me"

"I am not, I'm just stating the obvious pumpkin"

"stop it I hate that name"

"your mom is fucking terrible at giving nicknames"

"tell me about it Addy"

" okay and done" I looked at myself in the mirror

" Thanks, Emmy " and I picked up the crop top and skirt that Emily picked for me and went to the bathroom to change

" Emily is dressed before I get out" and she gave me the middle finger.

When I got out Emily was already dressed, she a wore leather skirt and a leather jacket with her bra and ankle boots.

" you are fucking hot Emily " she laughed, Emily is a very beautiful girl, she had long black hair and the most beautiful brown eyes

" you're not looking bad yourself " she complimented me, I wore my ankle boots and checked my phone

" Okay so Cay will be here in five" looking at Emily I guess we are babes in leather.


I looked at my friends and I felt so proud; we had made it, high school was finally over

" okay toast" I raised my Bourbon and they all raised their glasses

"to finally getting out of high fucking school," Cayden said

" good one babe," Britt said smiling at Cay

I turned to Damon " even though I tried to set those two up, seeing them dating makes me wanna puke" and he laughed, I turned to the love birds again and they were virtually sucking each other's faces

" Ewwww Britt and Cay are KISSING" and Cay gave me the middle finger, I took a drag of my weed before Emmy took it from and also took a drag

" pumpkin your parents are gonna freak out when they hear you are smoking," I said with a smirk and they all laughed

" I fucking hate that nickname of yours," Britt said and laughed again

" Okay guys, dance and get high, I'll call you guys tomorrow, " Damon said and downed his drink in one go

" where are you going Damon," Cay asked him, what was on everybody's mind

" Just spotted a cute red hair and I wanna go say hi" he winked at us and walked away and there goes our man whore

I turned to Emmy " 100 dollars that, it's that girl on shorts and that she'll go home with him" and she agreed

" babe let's go dance," Britt said dragging Cay with her

" Emmy let's dance" and I also dragged her to the dance floor


I can't remember how many shots I have taken or even where Emmy and the rest are, all I know is that I am shamelessly begging T the best bartender in the whole world for one more shot

" please T, okay I promise to go home after one, just one please, " I said with my cute puppy dog look, she looked at me and sighed

" okay but stop making that face, it's creepy " I laughed and downed my drink in one go

" I'd marry you if I was a guy T"

" go home Addy, you always say that"

" bye T" and I wobbled out of the club, I walked I think for three minutes with no sign of a taxi, and then I decided to cross over to the other side as I tried doing so a car just suddenly appeared and was shining its light on me and everything went dark, I think I died


Unknown POV

I looked at the girl that collapsed like five ft away from my car, I seriously did not hit her, I scoffed and got out of the car, when I went to pick her up, she was reeking of alcohol.

I looked at her face, it was Antonio's daughter, he had told me to pick her up on my way back, I had refused, I guess it was fate.

How did he cope with a child like this, I put her in the back seat and drove her to my house.

I placed her on the bed of the guest room and turned the lights off, closing the door I sighed, things were getting messed up.

I entered my room and had a shower before going to bed, as I lay down I thought "Antonio you so owe me one ", sighing I went to sleep