CH 3 (past)

Adriana's POV

I woke up with a fucking terrible head, " ouch it hurts like hell" I held my head and sat up, when I was a bit calm, I looked up and realized I wasn't in my room, I tried to remember what happened last night and how I got here but Nàda, nothing was coming, well fuck it I'll remember later, I always do

I got up from the bed and walked around the room until I found the bathroom door, I did my business, washed my hands, and got out

" you're up," a very sexy deep voice said and when I looked up I saw it was Luke freaking Demitri, oh my you might not know the number one billionaire bachelor but I do, he is a thirty-year-old, ice-cold demigod and CEO Azure air

" you're drooling" he spoke again and I wiped my mouth but Nàda

" you lied," I said feigning anger

" follow me" and he walks away and didn't look back to see if I was following or not. OMG, the nerve of this guy! tsk tsk tsk! oh, how I wanted to slap that cockiness always and get out of here but with the throbbing of my head, I wasn't in the mood for an argument so I followed.

he brought me to his kitchen and I had my hopes up for an amazing breakfast made by New York's number bachelor but my hope was dashed to pieces when I saw a bowl of cereals and I looked at him

" eat," he said and I shook my head

" you just broke my heart Luke, I can call you Luke, yes"

" No, and how did I break your heart"

" Thanks, Luke, I expected a nice sexy breakfast made by #1 bachelor of New York but Nàda, you are awful, cereals really"

" Sorry but I can't cook" and I sat and ate

" nice house" and he nodded

" um did you see my phone" he walked away and came back holding my phone and purse

" Thanks for this and bringing me back yesterday, but how did we meet" and he told me how everything happened and I was embarrassed, very

I finished my cereal, with an Adonis of a man before me, I picked up my phone and when I opened it I saw messages and missed calls from my dad, oh I will be home soon

" I'll drop you home," Luke said with his amazing voice

" wait let me get my shoes " when I came back he was already in front of the elevator with his head bent tapping away on his phone, his eyes shot up as he heard me walk towards him

" wait for me " and I entered the elevator and he pressed the button for the underground, we got out of the elevator and into the underground garage. I walked behind him, no scratch that, I trip walking behind him but he just kept taking big strides, he led us to a glistening black Ferrari

" nice car" and he just got in, I rolled my eyes, this guy needs to work on his attitude, I opened the door to the passenger seat and got in

" well I guess chivalry is dead," I said to him as soon as I sat down but he just ignored my remark and started the car

" address," he said with his hand on the GPS. I looked at that handsome face of his and felt like punching his teeth out, how can a guy be this cocky? Ignoring his snotty attitude, I told him my address and he punched it into the GPS and turned the car in reverse

" I went partying last night to celebrate, I graduated high school two days back, I'm not going to college this year though," I said and pulled out a cigarette from my purse and lighted it

" no smoking In my car," he said with this police look on. I ignored him and turned on the radio and Post Malone's rock star was blaring and I increased it and he turned it off, seriously this guy is asking for a beating

" stop being a cock block," I said to him and he gave me the are you for a real look and I turned it on again and sang along

" I've been fucking hoe's and popping pills, this feels like a rock star " I sang along every song I knew that came on, till we got to my house

" thank you ice face" and I came down and slammed his door shut and he just sped off, asshole! he is bipolar.

I pulled my shoes off my feet and gave a relaxing moan, they were killing me and I walked barefooted into the house and saw Maria the housekeeper and best cook ever

' morning Maria '

"Morning Chica, how are you doing"

"terrible," I said and I did the "I'm dying look" she laughed and led me to the kitchen and placed a proper breakfast before me, pancakes dripping with maple syrup, with a glass of OJ and I dug in like I haven't eaten in ages

" you are the best Maria," I said with my mouth stuffed with food and she laughed

"you look like a greedy monkey, Chica!" she said and placed the bottle of Advil before me

" Thanks, Maria! you are the best" I told her before digging in again.

" where's dad "I asked her as soon as I had taken the Advil

" gazebo" " thanks Maria" I walked to the sitting room and opened the glass doors that led to the garden, I saw my dad and female sitting there, when I got close enough, I placed my palms on his eyes and said, "guess who". " Adriana" my dad answered, he gets it right every time, I sighed and sat close to him

" hey pàpa good morning" he looked at me and smiled

" I saw your missed calls dad," I said and drank from his glass of OJ

" I was worried sick Addy," my dad said

" I'm sorry," I said with my cute puppy dog eyes

" I can't stay angry at you," he said with a smile

" oh my you are the best dad in the whole world " and I hugged him and he laughed, he didn't ask where I spent the night...phew

" I want you to meet Celeste, Addy," my dad said pointing at the female who sat opposite him, she smiled at me

" hey Adriana, I have heard amazing things about you," she said with her smile, I knew what that line was about, she wasn't a simple friend, she is my dad's girlfriend, I nodded at her

" dad I want to take a shower, I stink," I said to my dad ignoring her existence, she will be dumped pretty soon

" Okay, princess" my dad answered, I kissed him on his cheek and walked away, "Celeste" it sounded like an evil stepmother.