CH 4 ( present )

Adriana's POV

Death is the most painful phenomenon ever, why did good people have to die? who was responsible for taking the lives of amazing people? we should have a chat, good people ought to be alive forever, Death is a drug, a drug that can be so hated but to some is the way of escape from this ship called a world.

"Adriana, are you listening?" Uncle Blake asked and I nodded, I am grateful for his question, it brought me out of my reverie,

That was how I met Celeste but we have let that phase I can say we are now civil towards each other,

While Luke he was at my dad's funeral, didn't stay long though, I think he had some kind of relationship with my dad, back to what is currently happening.

We are in the sitting room, the lawyer is here, Uncle Blake and Celeste sat opposite Emily and me, while Mr. Woods who is my dad's lawyer sat on the Ottoman,

"Okay back to what I was saying, I am about to read the Will, I want everyone to remain silent, questions should be asked after the reading," Mr. Woods said and we all nodded

"This is my last will, I Antonio De'Luca aged 65 years this year, presently residing at 10813 Hollow Creek lane, Summerlin North, Las Vegas in sound disposing mind and without any pressure from any person do hereby make this Will as my last Will and cancel all my previous Wills and codicils to avoid any dispute or difference regarding my moveable and immoveable properties after my death...."

As Mr. Woods continued to read, I felt tears threatening to fall, Emily held my hand, did dad know that he was going to die, good thing Emily is here I need her support, I looked at uncle Blake and saw his eyes carried that smug look as if he knew what the Will held, Celeste held his hands, something smelt fishy but I can't pinpoint it, I continued to listen to the reading.

"...I have been blessed with Adriana De'Luca my loving daughter, who I am so proud of, she is my greatest blessing, she just graduated from high school, I know she will do well in her chosen career...." Mr. Woods stopped and looked at us all, he cleared his throat and continued,

I always knew dad loved me but I never knew he believed in me so much, there was a saying that in a parent's eyes their child was the best, I guess it is so in my case, I won't let you down papa, I turned and paid attention to what the lawyer is reading.

"I am the owner of De'Luca group, a corporation that deals in hospitality management, architecture, and oil and gas. I am also in possession of a house in Las Vegas, a family mansion in Milan Italy, a beach house in Hawaii, two Maseratis, a limo, and two-sport cars. Life is uncertain and I do not know when God will call me or when I will leave this earth, during my lifetime I want to make a settlement of all my moveable and immoveable properties to avoid any dispute over the sharing of my properties amongst my family....." I blanked out all this reading was boring me, but something felt not right, I continued to listen

".....I bequeath the De'Luca group to my brother Blake De'Luca

I bequeath the houses, cars to my daughter Adriana De'Luca,

My account with heritage bank will be taken over by Blake but he is to send monthly 7,000 dollars to Adriana's account"

All my previous Wills and testament are hereby canceled " Mr. Woods raised his head and looked at us, that was total bulls**t, dad hated uncle Blake he would never bequeath anything to him, "can I see the Will?" I asked Mr. Woods, he nodded and passed it to me, I looked at uncle Blake and saw the joy in his eyes, I skimmed through the Will and I found an error "my dad didn't write this" I said

"Adriana behave!!!" Uncle Blake shouted at me, I looked at him in shock, he had never raised his voice at me

"I'm sorry, this is all new to me but please can I keep this copy of the Will," I said in a calm voice

"No problem Miss Adriana, here you also need to sign these, saying you accept the decision of your dad," Mr. Woods said to me with a smile, I nodded

" But you need to give me some time, I need to digest all of these" I added

"very well, I will be here in two days to collect them" and with that he arranged his file into his briefcase, standing up he turned to uncle Blake "congratulations Mr. De'Luca"

" thank you, Mr. Woods, " uncle Blake said with a smile.

I passed the files to Emily and stood up " I'll see you to the door" I said to Mr. Woods

"No need Miss Adriana, I will see myself out," Mr. Woods said and I nodded and he walked out, I faced uncle Blake and he hugged me

" I know all this feels weird Addy but you are my family and I will never maltreat you," Uncle Blake said and I nodded " I need to go also, start board meetings and all those stuff, promise me you will take care of yourself " Uncle Blake added.

" I will uncle Blake " I answered him with a smile, he turned around and was about to leave when Celeste stopped him "Blake wait, I am not family, this morning I already arranged my bags, I want to go home," she said tearing up, uncle Blake nodded "bye Addy," she said and followed uncle Blake out, I walked towards the window and watched until uncle Blake's car left the driveway.

I didn't know when Emily came to stand beside me "are you okay?" She asked me "Emily!" I called her, "hmmm". " that wasn't dad's Will, " I said to her, she turned to me "how sure are you Addy" I beckoned on her and she brought her ears to close, I whispered some words into her ears, she looked at me in shock and I nodded "what are we going to do?" She asked, I knew she was scared, I was too when I heard but if not for what I heard, I should have been very ignorant

*Flashback to two hours back*

"Thank you, Anna, the soup was delicious," Celeste said with a smile, Anna nodded, gosh I hate the fact that Celeste acts as if she lady of the house.

As Anna collected my plate she whispered in my ears "someone is on the phone for you, Miss Adriana" she took my plate and moved over to Emily, why didn't she say it out, I shrugged and stood up

" I will be back," I said and proceeded to walk out, "where are you going Addy, Mr. Woods will be here soon," uncle Blake said "I will be quick" and with that, I walked out, I heard Emily saying she wants to use the bathroom, I know it was a lie, she didn't want to stay in the same room as those guys, I smiled and entered the kitchen.

Maria our cook, handed me the phone, "thank you Maria" "no problem Chica" and she left me alone.

"Hello" I answered "Addy?" I heard uncle Matteo's voice, uncle Matteo is my mom's older brother "uncle Matty where have you been?"I asked

"it's a long story Add and I will fill you in on the details when I get to Summerlin tonight, but I need you to do something for me first," he said to me

" Okay, what is it? " I asked him

" you guys are going to read your dad's Will today?" He asked

"yes" I replied

"promise me Addy that you won't sign anything, don't sign any paper at all"

"why?" I asked him, my heart is already racing

" I promise to give you the details tonight, you are a smart girl Add, and I know you will do what is right, and please don't trust anybody even Blake, do you hear me? he asked.

" I did," I said with a stutter

"don't be scared Add, you are a smart girl," he said and he cut the call, I placed the call on the counter, most persons might not know but uncle Matteo is the second person I trust after my dad.

A lot of things were flying around my head but the one that resounded was...."what the hell is going on?".