CH 6 (Present)

Adriana's POV

I settled opposite uncle Matteo, we were in the dining room, I thought he wasn't going to come again,

"You missed dad's funeral," I told him

"I know and I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" he replied, I shrugged, I hugged my knees and looked at him,

"Where are the papers?" He asked me,

"I only managed to get a copy of the will and the one Mr. Woods told me to sign," I told him, he nodded. "Let me get them" I stood up and went to the parlor, I picked the files up from the center table.

"Here" I placed them in front of him, he looked at me sternly.

"Addy all I'm about to say might sound weird but I want you to trust me" I nodded my head and sat down

"I promised to tell you the truth but I can't say anything here...."

"Why?" I interrupted him

"I just can't, the only thing I can tell you, is that your dad had enemies that wanted him gone" I sucked in cold air, uncle Matteo held my hand

"Go to bed, I will be here when you wake up" I looked at him, my thoughts were all mushy right now, I stood up and walked to my room, shutting the door, I looked around my room, sitting on my bed I hugged my knees,

Why did I feel like my life just got complicated, I don't know how long I stayed in that position but I stood up and walked to a huge portrait of my dad and me opposite my bed, I remember something


"Padre, you can date Celeste if you want, I will try to get along with her," I said, she is only temporary anyway, when my dad was done with her, he will dump her.

"Thank you princess" he stood up and walked to the portrait of himself and me, I think I was just fifteen when it was taken "you used to be a trouble maker here," dad said and laughed,

"Dad!!! you should be lucky I changed, I would have made that Cagna wish she never met you" I said with a pout, my dad laughed

"Someday, this portrait will hold a lot of answers," he said turning to me

"Yeah, right" I burst out laughing "this isn't the movies dad" I continued laughing and he joined me.

End of Flashback

I stood in front of the portrait, I felt around it, placing my hands on both sides, I pulled it away from the wall, placing the portrait in a corner of my room, I walked back to where I removed the portrait and it was only a plain wall, I sighed, I sat on the floor and stared at the wall, dad will never lie.

I looked at the wall again, standing up, I ran my hands through the wall, it wasn't smooth, I ran to my vanity table and got a pair of scissors, I scraped the wall and saw it peeled off, it wasn't painted like the rest of my room.

I peeled the paper off and saw plain boards, it was loose, using the scissors I pulled it open, I swallowed the impulse to scream, cause starring at me was a safe in my room,

I looked at it, what could be the password, I tried my birthday, incorrect....trying my name...incorrect...I sat down and frowned, I hated all of this, the secrets and this annoying safe, I looked at my ceiling and that was when I got it,

Dad always said, when I want to be close to mama, I should look at my ceiling of chrysanthemums, I imputed the word chrysanthemum and the safe opened, I mentally squealed

In the safe was a bunch of files, I pulled them out and also found a red velvet box, placing them on my bed, I was about to go through them when I heard my name


Uncle Matteo burst into my room, " Addy we need to go now" 

"Go where"

"I will explain" he grabbed a duffel bag and started putting my clothes in it, he also put my laptop in, I ran to my bed and packed the files and the box into the duffel bag, he zipped the bag and led us out,

The house was in a mess, there were broken antiques and glasses on the floor, a fight had broken out, a dead man lay on the floor in the pool of his blood, tears streamed down my eyes, as we got out of the house, 

Series of gunshots fired towards us, uncle Matteo held me down as we ran and whoever it was kept pursuing us, I think today will be the day I die, I don't know how long we ran but we came across the community park.

Uncle Matteo looked around but the assassins were nowhere to be found, I guess they wanted us out of the house, I tightened my hold on the bag,

"Are you okay Add?" Uncle Matteo asked me as he looked at me for any injuries, he hugged me,

"What was that about?" I asked him, he placed his hand on his head and sighed

"They were looking for you Add," he said to me

"Me...why....who did I wrong," I asked him, fear gripped my heart like a snake

"Nothing princess, but we can't stay here" he replied, he turned and walked towards the phone booth, he went in to make a call, while I stood outside,

All that fighting took place, and I didn't hear a single sound, F**k why did dad install soundproof walls,

"I called a friend of mine, he will be here soon" uncle Matteo said closing the phone booth, I nodded at him

" I know you want answers Add, and I promise to give you those answers," he said again,

"Thank you for tonight, without you, I would have been dead," I said, he smiled

"No need to thank me Add, we are family," he said smiling at me,

It seems from this moment on, my life will never be the same.