CH 7 ( Present )

Adriana's POV

I glanced at the buildings as they flashed by, the sun was about to set, Uncle Matteo's friend came and picked us up, he's been driving for hours unending, I sit up, it seems I slept off.

"Hey Add, how are you feeling" uncle Matteo turned and asked me

"I feel like my bones are about to fall apart" and they both burst into laughter,

"She is as funny as you described her Mat," the guy driving said, I looked at him

"I'm Jake and your uncle's best pal," he said

"Nice to meet you, where are we heading to?" I asked them

"We are heading to a safe house" uncle Matteo replied "I know you are hungry, here we bought it when you were asleep," he said again and passed me a takeaway pack, I opened it and saw a burger and cola, I dug in, it wasn't the best breakfast I have eaten but I'm on the run so I can't be picky.

Jake turned to Uncle Matteo and raised his eyebrow, uncle Matteo coughed and turned to me

"What?" I asked him

"Addy where we are heading to, you might find it strange," he said

"How strange?" I asked

"This strange" Jake replied me and I looked ahead, it was a story building amid nowhere, like nowhere, the car stopped at the gate and Uncle Matteo inputted the pin and the gates opened and Jake drove in, there was nothing special about the house only that it was painted white and it is a two-story building, no flowers Nada, we came down from the car

"Welcome to my humble abode," Jake said with a smirk, uncle Matteo placed his arms around my shoulders and led me inside.

Jake opened the door and the scent of weed hit my face, I looked at uncle Matteo and he smiled at me, walking in I saw two guys sitting on the couch in the parlor smoking, what freaked me out was that there were guns on the table, I tried to look elsewhere, the parlor wasn't as decorated as mine but it was okay, two long couches, a center table of guns and weeds, a dining table with about six chairs,

"Hey boss," the guys said to Uncle Matteo and I looked at them weirdly,

"Come to Addy," uncle Matteo said turning to me, I followed him,

"Jake that mess should be cleaned up" and we climbed the stairs.

Uncle Matteo opened a room upstairs and led us in, "it's small but you should be able to manage it till we leave the country" he said to me

"What!! why are we leaving the country?" I asked him with my eyes as wide as saucers.

He closed the door and sat on the only chair in the room, "sit" he told me, I looked at him skeptically and sat on the bed.

"Okay where do I start from, I know you have questions," he said folding his arms on his chest.

"I want to know what the F**k is going on," I said and he sighed.

"Okay, a week before Antonio died, he called me, he spoke weirdly, he told me that when he died, I should make sure he is buried in Rome," uncle Matteo said and he stared at me,

What my dad knew he was going to die? I asked myself in my mind.

"He also told me to make sure you are safe, and he told me to not trust Blake that dark clouds are everywhere," he said again and looked at me

"Is uncle Blake behind what happened last night?" I asked him calmly

"I don't know but I only know that Blake is dangerous, when I received your dad's call I assembled my guys and let one of them watch you," he said looking at me to see if I was angry

"On the night Antonio died, one of my guys saw you entering the club but he couldn't go in with you, cause that's another gangs territory," he said and looked at me again,

"You are in a gang?" I asked him and he nodded, oh my gosh

"...he saw you when you got out of the club but you weren't alone, a guy brought you out and placed you in your car when he went to check up on you, you were heavily drugged.....the funny thing is that you weren't drugged with just any coke, you were drugged with the queen of Africa," he said and sighed

"I was never drugged, I only drank heavily and I know I was with a guy but I can't picture his face or voice," I said to him, he shook his head

"You were drugged Add and one funny thing about the queen of Africa is that there are cokes for specific uses, you can't remember his face or anything that happened because the coke that you were given is for you to forget and another annoying thing about the queen of Africa is that what you remember, never happened," he said and looked at me

I gulped hard, I felt my eyes tear up, so all I remember is a lie, uncle Matteo came close to me and hugged me, I cried

"It's okay Add," he said trying to make me feel better,

"Is there any way I can remember what happened that night?" I asked him

"Word on the street is that only the Queen of Africa has the antidote" I looked at him

"Is she a sorceress?" I asked him and he laughed

"No, but no one how she makes her coke, and her coke is the purest in the market and nobody knows who she is," he told me and I nodded

"Is there any other thing I need to know?" I asked him

"We will be on a plane to Rome tomorrow morning, and your dad's will is a fake," he told me sitting on the chair again

" How are you sure it's fake," I asked him

"Antonio told me that day he called that, he has two will and that he gave one to someone he trusted," he said

"So who is the person?" I asked him,

"He told me that you know who the person is" he replied

"Me!! I don't know who it is, dad never told me"