Chapter 17

Adriana's Pov

The next at breakfast, the closeness and tacit understanding between Adriana and Aria made the others at the table dumbfounded if they could still recollect, these two were fighting a few hours back, seeing this Andy smiled, it was for the best

Marcello was even able to eat more, his daughter had been moody for a long and her mother's constant disappearance made her more distant but seeing her add more eggs to Adriana's plate made him as a father smile, she was more human this way, sighing he looked at Adriana he wished she could recover her memories, thinking back to her question during the funeral he sighed.

"Where's Matteo?" Adriana looked up and asked no one in particular, "he had an errand to run for Maya" Marcello answered, nodding her head she took the serving spoon and added more eggs to Marcello's plate muttering "eat more"

Looking at her, Aria let out a muffled sigh and thought in her heart "why did good people have to go through bad things", "what are your plans Adriana" she heard her father ask, subconsciously opening her mouth to speak she beat Adriana in answering"Addy wants to go with the flow, you know to take it slowly but make sure Blake goes to hell and stays there" Marcello raised an eyebrow and Andy laughed out loud, Adriana just proceeded to stuff an apple in her mouth

"I was talking to Addy but that's good news," he said and continued to eat, Adriana looked around and asked a question that had been bothering her "you guys don't look like a family in the mafia" Aria laughed and tapped her head, "How did you imagine a mafia family like?" Andy asked and dropped his fork,

"Well, a mansion full of guns, men with tattoos...I don't mean to sound rude" Adriana said carrying an apologetic look, "well don't be..... it's just that Mia doesn't like those sights and we wanted to give the children a sense of a normal household....." Marcello said with a warm smile that elders held when they taught the younger generation,

nodding her head, Adriana at least understood why this family looked like a normal rich household, "But if you walk towards the garden, you'd see another part of the mansion that has such sights, the estate is huge" Andy continued with a smirk and added "I can show you" " no you won't that's why I'm here" Aria said and threw a slice of toast to him, which he dogged beautifully well, " you hogged her a majority of our childhood, it's my turn" Andy said and winked at Adriana,

Aria scoffed and they continued bantering, Marcello looked at Adriana and was happy that she was happy, rational, and could eat, he was so scared that she would be depressed, thinking back to the autopsy results Matteo gave to him, he spoke "come if you're done, I'll show you the autopsy results"

At another place,

Matteo looked around the shabby shop, looking at the lady in the middle of her years who owned the shop, he unhurriedly spoke " I want to get these items on this list" he said and handed the list Maya had written for him, he frowned when he remembered what she told him, "I can't touch the ingredients for the spell, Addy is special, I already divined the process and I also need to get somethings done"

The lady took a look at the list and looked at the man who came to buy them, he didn't look like one into the spiritual, "elves eye is rare but I know someone who has it" she spoke looking at the man in front of her, "okay, how can I meet him" "I'll set up a meet for you both and he can also get the Phoenix white blood and devil's bane because I don't have them" she said and walked in to get what she needed,

Matteo looked around the shop, walking towards the wall that held dream catchers, he smiled, and picked a snow-white dream catcher "pretty good choice" he heard someone say, turning back he saw an old lady "hello" he replied, she nodded and walked to him, "I'm the shop owner, that was my niece you just met" she told him, he looked at her, she was petite but had a slim figure, and looked neat, she was a figure that could easily be forgotten in a crowd,

Seeing she was looking at the dream catcher in his hand he spoke "I'm thinking of getting it for my niece" she nodded "good choice, legend says that the snow-white dream catcher can pull back an incomplete soul" she said and walked away

Looking at the old lady, he thought for a second and concluded that she was plain red, looking at the niece who came in with a bag, he walked to her, not forgetting to add the dream catcher.