Chapter 18

"Hello Maya, here's what you needed," Matteo said as he walked into the shop, Maya sat behind the counter browsing through some Jewelry, with her hair in a ponytail and she wore a dress with a flair and it had sunflower patterns, looking up at him she spoke

"you know the drill, I can't touch them," she said with a sigh, Matteo nodded and placed the items one after the other on the counter, Maya scanned them and nodded "we're missing three items," she said with a raised brow,

"Yeah but the lady set me up with a seller cause she doesn't have those" he replied her, nodding "where did you get that," she said pointing to the dream catcher, "oh I want to put it up in Addy's room, it looks pretty" he answered her with a nervous laugh "yeah it is, how soon can you get those items," Maya asked

"Tonight" he replied her "I'll need you for the spell," she told him "anything for Addy" he replied her, "I know you've had it worse, first your sister, then your brother-in-law, it's tough but Addy will be fine," Maya told him

"Promise?" he asked her "with my life" she replied with all certainty.

"Now come on, go get the remaining items, I divined and it's best if we start by midnight," Maya said and walked to the back of the shop, Matteo looked at her and packed the items, looking at the dream catcher he smiled, "Addy will be fine" he muttered.

Sometimes uncertainty makes us no do somethings and sometimes too, those same uncertainties push us beyond our borders, people believe that diving and seeing into the past was wrong but if we look at it, the heavens gave us no choice, and if we could go back in time we'll change many things in our lives, Maya thought as she watched Matteo walk out the shop.

"That dream catcher was no ordinary one," she thought and brought out five cards, placing them on the floor as she sat down, she began to the divine, after some time she let out a frustrated sigh since Adriana had been born, she had never been able to see into her future but she got something, looking back at the cards she shook her head,

Her every divination cost her her life, scratch that her every divination for Addy took away five years from her life's span but she couldn't complain about she owed the De'Lucas her life, the things we do for gratitude and love sake, a grateful heart? maybe but she knew it was deeper than that,

Everyone had secrets, she wasn't anything different, picking up the spellbook she sat on the floor and tried to recall something and she quickly wrote it down as she remembered.

Somewhere far from the shop, An old lady sat with legs crossed and muttered words that couldn't be deciphered and from behind her two white wings like that of a phoenix glowed, it both looked like snow and fire and if Matteo was here he would have been shocked, white liquid dripped from her eyes as she broke into a son and the wings disappeared.

Opening her eyes, she wiped her face clean, the door opened and a young female walked in "Are you okay?" she asked with a sincere look, the old lady nodded and got up, the room had a very simple design, a center table with an empty vase on it and an armchair, that was the only thing in this vast room with white painted walls, the old lady walked to the window and looked outside,

what greeted her was the lushness of nature, tall green trees and birds flying in different colors "the time has come" she said after a while, turning to the lady she smiled at her "I must leave very soon, don't cry I wasn't meant to be" she added and the young lady's eyes watered, walking up to her she hugged her tight "I can't beg you to stay but visit Ah Luo once everything falls in place, alright" she said amidst sobs, the older woman nodded and patted the back of the younger female as she cried.

After some time she looked at her and wiped her tears with her palms, " stop crying I'm not dying" the older woman said, Ah Luo, smiled and nodded, "good I need you to run an errand for me, and nothing must go wrong" hearing the severity of the older Lady's tone she nodded and knew she couldn't mess things up like she did last time.

One thing about fate is that it can be rewritten, however, how many times you want but there are repercussions, what the repercussions are we can never tell but man should never bow to fate, cause bowing down to fate is a clear statement of you saying you gave up before you even tried,

Adriana stood inside her room, looking outside her window, she appeared to be looking at the garden before her eyes but she was far away in thought, what she was thinking we'll never know.