Chapter 56


"Don't call her Lu Si" she could see a shilloutte say faintly as he smiled at her, she stretched her hand wanting to touch his face, it seemed like she knows this person so well that it could be called an obsession "I'm her sworn brother" the other male said and she heard a female laugh,

Far away from the end of the world, Brit looked at Adriana, she sighed as she watched her mutter words in her slumber, she struggled so much in the bed, it was as if she was in a bad dream that she needed to wake up "i can't do anything to help you this time aunt, you need to overcome all this, I'm sorry" she muttered.


"aarrrggghhh" Adah groaned as she sat up "gosh what happened?" She asked as she sat up, she felt five pairs of eyes on her "why are you guys staring at me like that?" She asked as she scrambled to her feet,