Chapter 57


How do we then cross?" Veila asked "hehehe simple on foot" Nim chuckled as he climbed down from his horse "won't the horses be stolen?" Adah asked them "demon horses only recognize a single rider all their life" Cade turned and explained, Asah held the reins of her horse and raised her brows "that's the clan's head horse, she permitted it to be your ride" Nim explained and she nodded and climbed down from her horse, 

They tied the horse together and Bibi waved her hand "seal" she shouted and a net like must spread from her fingers and enveloped the horses "that should keep thieves at bay" she muttered with a smile "let's go then" Cade said and brought out from the satchel bag on his shoulders a lamp, filling Adah's eyes with light, looking ahead Adah was dumbstruck by the bridge that faced her.
