Chapter 6


A loud rocking sound vibrates my door as I slowly open my eyes.

It sounds again, and I realize it's my bedroom door and someone is knocking.

"Come in." Already knowing it is most likely Inette since Ivan is still in Maine until tomorrow evening.

Inette comes strolling in, wearing a small white tank with no bra and white panties with long gym socks on. I check the clock on my nightstand and see it's only seven in the morning.

"How can you look like a cover model at seven am?" I ask rolling over to my side to try and get some more rest.

I worked at May's last night and we had a huge bar fight between two men who both had way too much to drink. Because the cops were called, the staff had to stay an extra two hours to give our statements. I only just got in around four.

"Yoga. Now, how did it go yesterday, you never called?"

"Sorry, I had to head to work right after and we were swamped form the moment I clocked in." I'm not being completely truthful. I did have to work after I left the compound yesterday but I was early for my shift.

The last thing on this beautiful green earth of ours I was expecting to see when I got to the Nightmare Warriors compound, was Max Stone. I'm not a complete idiot. I knew it would be a possibility, but Max was normally working at their mechanics shop and when I drove past it yesterday, I could have sworn I saw his bike. Joke was on me, because not only was her there, he was pissed.

His anger, I am quite used to by now, but I just didn't expect it yesterday and the worst part was, I was still a little off my game for having to do what I planned yesterday.

I needed a job, one where Max couldn't get me fired by showing up being an ass, and one where I could be safe doing my job.

I didn't tell Austin about the guy yesterday, I'm sure over the years they have made enemies that are merely all talk, and I was willing to chuck this guy up to that list. When I told him about my being fired, and how I needed a favor, he jumped at the idea.

What I wasn't expecting was to work at their club.

Austin said he needed experience and I could have just killed him when he smirked saying it was a good idea to keep an eye on me as well.


Must run in the family.

"So, how did it go Shawna?"

"Couldn't this have waited until I was awake?"

"You know me, I'm inquisitive. Now tell me, did they strip you down and lick you all over until you gave in and told them your inner most darkest secrets."

I'm shaking with laughter as she continues about dungeons and chains and wearing their cut.

"Where do you get this stuff from?"

"Mostly my imagination. Some porn. Now, how did it go? I'm dying here."

"They gave me a job at Sin." Sitting up I adjust my tank and shorts. I have always slept like a crazy person. I can recall the numerous amount of times I would wake up to Max having bruise on his face or scratches on his arms.

"Sin? Like the nightclub?"

"That's the one."

"Wow." Inette whistles as she collapses on the bed next to me. "And you're okay with that? It's not the best place for you to be at one in the morning."

"I know, but the club normally has at least one or two of the brothers there a night, and everyone knows not to fuck with their staff. I didn't want to work night shifts since I would be competing with hours for May's but Austin gave me a rate I couldn't turn down and that way I can have my mornings for the studio."

"Is this about that mystery douche?"

"Not entirely, but I won't say he isn't a factor. I needed a job, and because I've been fired twice now, I knew I wouldn't be able to find one as soon as I would like."

"You should have just told him Shawna."

"Austin would have just tried to hunt the guy down and that would have only caused more drama with their club. Besides, I'm sure he was just an asshole trying to stir up trouble."

"True, but that's not what I meant." She turns towards me and I do the same, I can recall all the times we have done just this when Max and I broke up. She really was my rock in all that.

"I meant you should have told him about the debt. Isn't this whole thing to work for them to earn money for their own problem a little redundant?"

I don't answer her, mainly because I don't have an answer for it. When Austin and I were talking yesterday, not one minute went by that I didn't want to just blurt out what the real problem was and how I was technically caught in the middle of it all. Seeing Max's anger towards me only enhanced that need to tell them everything.

But I didn't.

I couldn't.

Each and every time my mouth wanted to shout out the truth, my mind did a play by play of what would then happen. There was no way I could do that to Max.

I don't know if he would have survived it.

"So if not the asshole from the diner, what other reason could you have for wanting to work under the very people responsible for your problem?"

"Max can't do shit." I say sitting up and getting off the bed. I don't like speaking about Max while half naked and lying comfortably in bed.

"What do you mean?' Inette sits up in the bed as well.

"Max can't cause problems for me there. His brothers won't let him get carried away at one of their own establishments. I'm safe from his shit."

"Shawna, it's your like going around in circles. Yes, you make a good point in knowing Max can't fuck with you when he gets drunk, but your putting yourself in the crosshairs of him by working where he and his club brothers control everything."

"Trust me Inette, I know what I'm doing."

"Alright, but I want the rights to tell you I told you so when shit hits the fan."


"I'll let you get back to sleep."

"I'm already up now thanks to you."

"Tell you what? Why don't I make it up to you."

I smile knowing she means with food. Anyone who knows me knows the way to get to me is through my stomach. I am not a picky eater and love to try new things. This came as a challenge to Inette and since I have moved in, she has pulled up all her dream concoctions on her Pinterest account.

"Oh by the way, I got the pictures back from the office yesterday." She runs out of my room and I hear her rummaging around in her mess of a room, then brace myself when she comes running back in my room with some small prints in her hand.

"Is this your asshole guy from the diner?"

I take the photos and glance at them. It's hard to tell if it's the same guy as the one who practically threatened me and the club. Same cropped military styled hair, same type of build, but other than that I don't see much.

"Can't really tell to be honest." I hand the pictures back to her and cross my arms. Just thinking of that guy is giving me the willies.

"I figured. With Timmons now chief, I couldn't necessarily get close, so I had to take those from far away. Like I said, the mystery guy made himself known by being on camera, but I was far and unfortunately the zoom wasn't working well that day."

"It's no biggie." I say, not trying to think about that man ever again.

"Just do me a favor Shawna. If you ever see that man again, you will tell the guys. I have a bad feeling about him." I nod my head.

I doubt I will see that man ever again. I start work at Sin's in two days and I need to prepare myself.

I may be going from seeing Max never, to too often.