Chapter 5


"Should we check it out?" Tolino asks.

"Let's do it, don't necessarily like being a sitting duck." Wells calls out.

We exit the Humvee and begin walking towards the building.

A chill surrounds me as we make our way in the direction that Jones's indicates with his fingers. It's quiet and I slowly move to the right while Wells and Tolino move to the left. I can hear a faint whispering and I stop mid step and slowly round the thin wall I am in front of.

A small doll lies on a vacant stone makeshift chair. My hands are shaking as I observe the tiny piece of felt and indicate to Matthews, who is now behind me, at what I am seeing.

"That a doll?" He whispers. I don't answer him; the question was obviously rhetorical.

"Heads up guys. Looks like we got some women here." I hear Jones say in my earpiece. I lower my gun and look over at Matthews who still has his trained.

"Women?" He asks then eventually lowers his as well. He walks over to the small doll and picks it up off the stone chair.

We head back to the front of the building where the rest of our unit is and see that they aren't alone. A few women, along with a couple of little girls that looks no older than five, are speaking with Wells, who is trying his best in Pashto.

We get that often. Sometimes the women are to stay behind with the children to keep them safe while their husbands go out and get killed. Sometimes they are angry with us for taking their family away, and other times they are simply scared of us. We don't see them often as they usually flee with others who don't want this war as much as we don't. It's always hard to tell.

Think this belongs to one of the little girls?" Matthews says from behind me.

I wake up, breathing loudly. I try for a few moments to get my breathing back in control, but when that still doesn't work, I hop out of bed and begin pacing. Movement is sometimes key. I used to have to get on my bike and drive around. Felt good being out in the open. Until the time I almost crashed because I thought I heard someone firing at me.

After a few moments, I finally calm down enough to notice I'm in my room at the clubhouse. I must have spent the night here after all. With my nightmares being more and more frequent, the night before is starting to become more of a blur to me. I honestly don't remember coming back here to the clubhouse or passing out in my bed.

I turn around to make sure I don't have a woman in my bed and blow out a breath of air when I see I slept alone. It's been two years and I still can't imagine being with anyone else.

God I'm such a Pussy.

I pull on a shirt and jeans since I slept in my boxers, and head to the kitchen. It's early, sometime around seven but I am too inattentive not to have some sort of caffeine in my body at the moment.

Rounding the corner, I come to halt when I see Candice hovering above the oven, cooking some kind of eggs with a shirtless Austin right behind her attempting to get her to feed him. When they take their food over to the table I decide to give them their moment of peace. I'm happy for my brother, Candice is one of a kind and takes our life in stride. She had some drama with her family, making our problem her problem last year, but all is right in her world now and I couldn't be prouder.

Seeing them that way reminds me of how I expected to wake every morning to see Shawna. She was always a morning person, her schedule made her that way, but the woman wasn't exactly the best cook. She could make a smoothie that she swore filled her up, but I knew my girl, she's tiny but she can put down a plate made for a man twice her size and want seconds. I loved cooking for her, something I know I would be doing everyday if we were still together.

I won't be an ass and say I don't miss her. Not a day goes by that I don't miss Shawna, but there is too much hate and anger there now. Too much betrayal and regret. I was a complete dick and she was a liar.

Before I can make it out of the kitchen to give my brother some privacy, Candice turns around and spots me standing there mid-way between the hall and the kitchen.


"Hey red." I give her a genuine smile and walk the few paces to reach her.

Candice immediately jumps up and envelops me in a hug. I hold on to her a little longer just to piss my big brother off. Austin clearly has enough of our hug because he practically yanks my hands off his girl and wraps her back in his.

"Controlling much? Why don't you just piss on her, it will be make it easier if I can smell you on her every time I'm near her.

"Shut up." Austin mumbles under Candice's hair at which she giggles.

"Surprised you don't smell him on me now." Candice says when they break apart causing the both of us to laugh. She's full of surprises that one. My brother is a lucky fool to have her, something I make sure he knows never to fuck up.

"How about we go back in the room and I'll make sure you smell like me for the rest of the day?"

"I'll have to pass baby. Duty calls and if I'm late one more time, Lyla told me she was going to haunt you down and cut you into tiny pieces." Austin rolls his eyes but reaches away from his girl.

"How is she anyways? It's a shame she went straight for tall dark and brooding ass Shane. She should have just gone with me. I would have treated her right."

"She doesn't need a dog Max." Candice says and a small part of me wants to correct her. For some reason that has become my legacy for the club. I don't spend a lot of times with women, so I'm not sure why I have that rumor but it's always stuck.

"She also probably prefers a cock." I flip off my brother's remark and watch as he walks his girlfriend out. Before they reach the hallway, Candice turns around suddenly and runs over to me with a huge smile. Shit, no man ever survived when a woman looked excited around them the way Candice does with me right now.

"I almost forgot. I'm throwing myself a birthday party."

"What?" I say laughing, then stop when I see Austin shake his head at me.

"I know, it sounds stupid, but Austin and my grandma sort of bullied me into doing it. It's going to most likely be awkward and weird but I would feel much more comfortable if you were there. It's going to be at our house, and the theme is Vegas."

I look back over at Austin trying desperately not to let it show that her party sounds more like some kids thirteenth birthday party, then a grown ass woman's party. Once again his face is hard and he is shaking his head, so I take that as my non-asshole cue, and nod my head at the enthusiastic beauty in front of me.

"Of course Darlin'. I'll be there. You tell me when and the time and I'll make sure I'm there early to help set up. It's your day, so whatever you want, you get." Candice throws her arms around me, then runs over to Austin at which he does a chin lift and walks out.

What the hell was that about?

Austin returns a few minutes later, having looked like he was just fucked, which most likely they did, and heads straight for me.

"Thanks for that."

"Austin, are you daft? You think all the brothers are going to come to your house and play poker and drink margaritas and shit for a fuckin' birthday party? Why did you talk her into a birthday party?"

"Because jackass, she's never had one."

This stops my rant and I study my big brother heavily. I am sitting at the small dining table Candice brought in a few months ago for some of the members that live here permanently.


"You know her story man. Only child and her mother was too busy working dead end jobs trying to make ends meet. Me and her grandmother wanted her to do something for herself and that was what she picked. I think she knows how fuckin' lame it sounds because when she told the brothers they all looked at her like she just snorted meth in front of them."

Shit, now I felt like an ass for not being as excited as she was. After everything Candice had went through because of our club she deserved something for herself. Who knows, maybe the party wasn't going to be a total bust.

"Sorry man. I'll be there, for sure. Besides, I always kicked ass at blackjack." Austin rolls his eyes, remembering when I would take him with me to the casino when we were underaged but old enough to never get carded. Everyone knew who our dad was, so it's not like they would have stopped us anyways.

"Thanks Max."

We sit in silence for a few moments, both us reflecting back on the good times we had before our father met his untimely end. "You going to tell her?" I ask looking back over at him.

"What?" He knew damn well what.


He sighs loudly then sits down at the table beside me. "No."

"Why the hell would you not tell Candice about the apparent trouble this fuckin' club is in again?"

"First off." He begins pinching his skin between his eyes with two fingers. Frustration is a level I live to bring my brother to, but not about this. "This fuckin' club is not in any trouble. One of our brothers, who says the shit was not his by the way, was framed."

"And you think it had nothing to do with the cut the man wears? C'mon Austin. Don't leave her in the dark, only for that shit to come at her again." I stand and walk over to the bar, already feeling the anger turn me into something I don't want to be.

"I have protection on her Max. But I don't want her to worry about if it's something I can protect her from. I will never put her in that situation ever again, and if I tell her now, then she has to relive that shit again." He stands as well and gets in my face as I grab the bottle of jack.

I sigh loudly and take a swift of the drink. I feel the slightest bit better when the burn hits the bottom of my empty belly.

"Look Austin, I get that you don't want her to start remembering the bad, but if she gets side tracked by this thing, it may be worse to know you kept her in the dark."

"You're one to talk." He says narrowing his eyes on my bottle.

I am just about to say something snarky to him when one of the prospects, whose name I have completely forgotten, comes in and interrupts us.

"Sorry to bother you boss, but there is a girl outside to see you."

"Austin Stone, I thought you said you were done with all that?" I yell out causing the prospect to blush. A blush? Are you fuckin' kidding me? What's he going to do next, giggle?

"Shut up Maximus. What the hell is a woman doing here for me?" He says still remaining in his seat.

Austin was never really a ladies man, but everyone wants the title that Candice carries happily. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of his past conquests to see if the rumor is indeed true.

Yes ladies, the man is whipped more than a show horse.

"Says her name's Shawna."

And just like that, the world's axis just tilted.

The sun hits my eyes as soon as we exit the compound.

The club was built inside an old warehouse that was once used to store cargo for ships, so the interior is large and has wide opened spaces.

Years ago, mom would take us here when we were too young to know what the hell the club meant. Dad was never really a kid guy but would give us enough attention and then carry on with club business. Austin and I would imagine that the compound was a giant castle and that somewhere deep inside, would be a terrifying dragon holding the princess hostage. As the little brother, it was important for Austin to scare the ever-living shit out of me, so he would tell me to go into the attic where he would hit the floorboards with a broom from below.

The fear I felt when it would happen, the stomach turning, teeth clinching trepidation I had, was nothing compared to seeing Shawna McBride waiting on the other side of the concrete walls right across form me.

I've seen her since we have broken up. Part of my stupor while trying to get over my guilt, was to go to wherever she was working and ruin it for her. I never did any of it on purpose and if I could take it back, I would, but right now, I can only stare daggers at the girl that once broke my heart. The girl that I destroyed.

I see in the corner of my eyes that Miles has made his way out as well. He is the only new patch that lives at the clubhouse permanently and I wonder if he came out here to see what was going on, or to protect his president. He was another person I made sure Torque did a scrutinized background check on. Turns out the fucker is as normal as can be. Dad works as a plumber down in Alabama, and mom is a nurse upstate. one brother, one sister, that he doesn't speak to. He's just alone. I can tell something happened in his life that makes him keep to himself, but so far, it has never caused any problems for the club, so I won't go prying.

I stare back over at the beauty that could always take my breathe way. Not much has changed since I last saw her a few months back. She still has the weight of the world on her shoulders but is too stubborn to ask someone to help her carry it. Long ago, I wanted to be the one that took the entire thing off, then carry her around so she could get used to someone being there for her for once.

Her lips pucker in anger as she take me in. Seems like someone wasn't expecting me.

My anger begins to get the better of me as I take in her form. She still has the best body I have ever laid eyes on. Long dark wavy hair, bright blue eyes, a small petite body with just enough curves for me to palm.


Which is exactly why I am wondering why she is here and is still surprised to see me. She knows I practically live here, and to make matters worse, her eyes keep moving over to Miles. I look over to the fucker, and damn if he doesn't take her in as well.

Anger bulldozes through me and I push through in front of Austin to address my ex.

"What the hell you doin' here Shawna?" Not exactly my finest moment.

"Fuck you Max. I came here to speak with Austin. If I had known you were going to be here, I wouldn't have even bothered." Shawna's eyes narrow and her arms uncross over her chest and lay on her hips. Fuck, this woman turns me on even angered by her.

"You didn't think I would be here? I'm the fuckin' VP darlin', where the hell else would I be?"

"Don't know Max. Perhaps at the clinic getting checked for crabs?" Okay, I almost fuckin' laughed at that one. I had forgotten how quick she can be with comebacks. Fuck I miss her.

I hear Flipp and Miles snicker at her comment and narrow my eyes in their direction. It may have been a kickass comeback, but those fuckers need to know that her being here is not okay.

"Could we maybe take this inside?" Austin says looking around the perimeter. I automatically do the same, realizing that he's right, and it's not the best idea to be out here arguing when we still don't know who the hell is trying to set us up. Again.

"No. I wanted to speak with you privately Austin. That's what I told your prospect, but apparently he failed to deliver. I only need you." She says the last part staring at me and damn if that didn't feel like someone ripped my heart out and crushed it right in front of me.

"If you have something to say, you fuckin' say it in front of all of us Shawna." I yell out feeling like an asshole.

"Give us a minute." Austin says looking over to Flipp and Miles who immediately scurry back in. "When was the last time you saw her Max." He murmurs to me, careful to not let her hear us.

I think back to the time I got wasted after our club had the shooting last year. It brought around too many bad memories and I had to bury them. Drinking was the only way I knew how, and like every time in the past, it led me right to her. I had known Shawna was working at May's because one of our brothers had seen her there and told me. I had gotten her fired at the first bar she worked at because I had showed up and started talking shit to her.

This time I wanted to play it cool, and I was, up until some asshole thought it was cute to flirt with her and touch her ass. I politely told him to go fuck himself and he shoved me and called Shawna a whore. That's when I blacked out with rage and ripped him and his three friends apart. Last thing I remember about that night was Austin snapping me out of it and Shawna holding onto one of her coworkers whose leg was bleeding.

"May's bar."

"Exactly. So I think you should maybe fuckin' cool it. Go inside, and I will speak with her. I'll find you when I'm done."


"No, Max. Look at her, really look at her." I take my brothers advice and look right at my ex-girlfriend. She seems like the same strong Shawna I had always loved but after a few seconds, I can see what he is referring to. Her fists are clenched but shaking, her eyes look watery and if I look harder, I can tell she is trying extremely hard not to fall apart.

I'm doing this to her.

My presence alone is making her hate everything around her.

"Yeah, okay." I say with a huff then turn around and head inside before I do even more damage to a broken woman.

"Austin still out there." I jump and nearly come out of my skin when I walk inside and Shane's creepy ass is just standing there.

"Fuck man, what are you, batman? Yes, he's out there speaking with Shawna."

"Shawna?" I nod my head at Shane while starring at the door that leads to the front. I hate this feeling of not knowing and wondering if the whole time they are talking if any of it is about me. I'm such a girl.

"The hell she doing here?"

"I don't know." I cross my arms and begin pacing in the front while Miles, Flipp and Shane all surround the area ready to pounce is there is even a hesitation that Austin is not safe.

"You do something stupid again?" I narrow my eyes on my best friend but shake my head all the same.

Shane and Shawna were extremely close when we first got together. She saw him as a brooding puzzle to be solved and he saw her as a pesky little sister.

"No, fucker. I just." Before I can finish, Raiyah, one of the club whores, walks up and lays her hand over my chest.

Raiyah is not hard on the eyes. Tall, legs for miles, short jean skirt, tiny little tee and a fuck ton on makeup on. If I were any other brother, I would take her to my room and use up all my pent-up aggression but I can't. Not with Shawna mere meters from me. Definitely not with my mind on something that could be serious.

"You look tense Max. Want me to make it all better."

"Not now darlin'." I say, taking her hand off me, but she lays it back on, this time adding the other one rubbing my back.

"You sure? I just got my tongue pierced."

"Shit." Miles says looking at me and it takes me a moment to wonder why he suddenly looks like a ghost.

Shawna and Austin are now standing in the middle of doorway starring straight at me in Raiyah's arms. Her face contorts with pain as she shakes her head at me and walks in the other direction, right back out. Austin tells Miles to make sure she gets out alright, then tells me he wants to see me in church.

I want to fight my way out of here and head straight to Shawna. I want to tell her it's not what it looks like and that she read the whole situation wrong. If I were a good man, I would, but I'm not, so I stand there while Miles runs after her then take Raiyah's hands off me so I can head to my brother.

"Want to tell me what the hell that was about?"



"What the fuck do you want me to tell you? Why the hell was she here?"

"None of your fuckin' business apparently. You want to tell me why the hell you are treating her so badly?"


"Then leave her the fuck alone Max. You want her gone, and away from this club, then whenever you get a pity party, you run out and find her, every damn time. So which is it?"

"Fuck you Austin."

"Tell me what the fuck is going on in your head Max. I can't help you if you won't tell me."

"I don't need your fuckin' help." With those parting words, I leave the room, leave the clubhouse and head straight to my bike.

I stop at a local liquor store where I stop and get some alcohol to dull me over for the night, then head home.

I'm halfway down the road to my house when I see blue and red lights light up behind me.

Great, just what I need to make this day perfect.

Officer Timmons walks out of his car when I pull over on the side of the road and I lean back against my seat as I wait for him to make his way to me.


"Chief Officer Timmons." I snort out.

"If that's you saying congrats on the new promotion, I'll take it." I smirk then turn my body his way.

Timmons has been around a while. He is young, only in his late forties, and was a simple B cop when my dad owned the Warriors. At first, he would arrest my dad and any of the members for little stuff, hoping they would give some shit up. Once he realized how it worked in the club, he started backing up. My dad, before he died, pulled him to the side and explained why it isn't half bad that the MC chain controlled the drug chains. Less violence, more organization. Timmons understood it enough and eventually stopped fighting against them and started fighting with them. He only ever had one goal.

Keep everyone safe.

After my father passed, and Austin took over, Timmons feared what could happen. To say he was more than happy to see us give up the drugs would be an understatement. But that meant something else to his side of the law. He was going to have many more problems with the little people that thought they owned this city.

"Where you headed?"

"My meth lab. Got to get there before it explodes."

"Ha-ha, very funny. Listen, I got some news for you, and your brother ain't answering. Need you to be a messenger for me."

"Shouldn't the new chief of police be rescuing a kitten down from a tree or something?"

"If the kitten is your club and that big scary tree is the future, than I think I am."

I turn in his direction and narrow my eyes.

"The fuck you talkin' about?"

"Some guy has been asking around about your club Max."


"Don't know his name. Came by my office when I was gone. Scared my receptionist enough though. He wanted to know exactly where the Nightmare Warriors clubhouse was."

"Did she tell him?"

"No, contrary to popular belief, not every woman knows where to find you assholes."

"You mean us good looking assholes."

Timmons shakes his head with a smirk, then begins walking back to his squad car.

"Just spread the word or whatever the hell you idiots do. Someone is snooping around."

With his last words, he takes off, and I do the same just a few moments later. I've got a date with Jack.