Chapter 15


Wetness begins covering my face and I attempt to move away from it but that doesn't work. I pry open my eyes, ignoring the pain radiating in my skull and see that the sprinklers are on. I lift myself up and lay against the hard pillar behind me.

Looking around me, I take in my surroundings. I huff when I realize where I landed after my drunken pity party. I look between the hundreds of headstones that surround me. I look straight at the one in front of me, where I no doubt fell asleep mumbling to him.

Samuel Tolino

Beloved son, husband, and father

Sam and I went in wanting to hate each other but when you get over there, when you go through your training and then get shipped to a godforsaken land where everything is out to kill you, you quickly realize how stupid it is to have a feud mainly because of your father's differences. Sam and I were a lot alike. Neither wanted power, just wanted to be a part of something different, something that meant something.

We had a few difference as well. Sam didn't want anything to do with the club. His father was hardly around growing up, always dealing with the drug chain and having to be president of a motorcycle club took its toll on their relationship. He grew up wanting the normal life. Married his high school sweetheart and raised their three sons. Snake was a shit dad but where he lacked in being a father, made up in being a grandfather. I know when I check in on Alexis Tolino, all she tells me is how happy the boys are around their grandpa.

I stand up and dust the dirt and debris of my clothes as I take in the rest of the surrounding graves. Since Wells, Jones and Peterson were from other states they were buried back at home, but Matthews and Tolino are here. I spot Matthew's grave immediately and start heading towards it.

The smell red, white and blue flags waves rapidly a I grow closer then slump down next to the man that saved my life.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I mumble as I pick some grass from nearby. "Why the hell would you save me of all people? I was the only one of you assholes with nothing waiting for me back home." A sting hits my chest as I picture how devastated Shawna, my brother and mother would be if I didn't come home.

"Saved you because you were his brother dummy." A deep voice says from behind me and I roll my eyes knowing who it is before I turn to confirm.

Snake stands five feet away from me, crossing his arms at his chest. His deep dark hair is long and in a ponytail and his eyes are covered in his dark shades that he always wears. His large six foot five, two hundred and fifty pound frame tugs at his cut that boldly displays the president of the Road Kings MC patch on it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask turning back around to stare at Matthew's grave.

"Anniversary." He states.

As much as I hate this man for all the bad he's done to our club, I know I can't. Snake has changed since Sam was killed in combat, and although he is partially responsible for the death of Shane's father, I know if the clubs weren't at war with each other, there wouldn't have been a death that night causing my best friend to spiral.

"Surprised you're here at all. Not like you've been to see him before." I comment. Snake was petty about the whole ordeal of Sam dying overseas. It took its toll on him and at first, he refused to visit his son's grave.

Snake approaches me and I stand immediately prepared for anything this fucker might do. Our clubs might see eye to eye now, but no one can erase a past. I will never forget what he has done.

"Relax, boy. Got my wife and grandbabies behind me seeing their daddy. Not going to take you out here."

"So, why you comin' over here in the first place?"

"Saw you, saw your face. Look just like your damn daddy did when you left on your first tour." I stare shocked at his admission. My father was never exactly happy that I joined up, even less excited that I was being shipped to Afghanistan, but he never let on about being depressed that I was there. Dad was never a talk about your feelings kind of person, so it doesn't surprise me completely.

"And how would you know what my daddy looked like?"

"Cause we both came here. Both talked about what would happen if we had to visit you two here." I turn back over to Matthew's grave. "You need to talk about it son. Need to go through the grief of losing your brothers."

"Not much to talk about. Should have been me, was everyone else. My stupidity got them all killed."

"Sam would kick your ass if he heard you talkin' like that." Snake removes his sunglasses and I stare at the man I once hated and now only feel bad for. He lost his son thanks to me, and yet, here he is worrying over me.

"What he would want, was to be with his wife, his son's. Instead they have to grieve every day without him."

"Want you to look over at his grave." I look over to the grave I vacated only twenty minutes ago. Snake's wife Tamara, and Sam's wife Alexis hold each other as they cry and speak with their loved one that they no longer have.

"Yeah, I see the pain they have."

"Look again. Look at his eldest boy."

I look back over and search for Sam's oldest. I don't know his name or their ages that well, but he has to be around twelve. I spot him, not far from his mother and grandmother and see no sadness in his face, he looks almost determined. I stare in stunned silence as he straightens up, lifts his right hand in rotation and places it on his forehead in a tribute salute.

"Wants to be just like his daddy. He misses him, don't get me wrong, but he knows his daddy was a good man, knows he died protecting his country. I don't know what went on over there, hate that it took my son, but if I could be proud of anything that he's done, it was raising those boys right. I didn't do a good job being his daddy, but he never let that stop him. I'm doing everything in my body that I can, for my grandchildren to never have to wonder where their family is. To wonder who their family is. That's what you need to do Max. You need to live for them. If you don't. You stomp on everything they stood for. You stomp on everything they died for."

Snake walks away and heads back to his family as they kiss the marker and speak with Sam. I look back down at Matthews and take a deep breath. Never in a million years would I think Snake is right but as I stare at the stone marker for Matthews, I feel the realization set in. I've been wasting away with alcohol and pity because I felt guilty, but if I continue to do that, I spit on everything we spoke about, I spit on them.

"I'm going to do better man. I promise." I gently touch the gravestone then head to the other side of the cemetery.

I find the marker I was looking for and walk towards it slowly. It's been a long time since I've been here and I want to punch myself for that.

"Hey old man. Been a while." I say as I take a seat in front of my dad's marker.

Dad was a marine and my hero when I heard the stories he told Austin and I growing up. Dad only enlisted to have a job. He knew no would be willing to give a job to a high school dropout who already had a record. He had no family, so the marine's gave him everything he could have wanted.

The day that I enlisted, dad told me that he didn't want that for me, that he hated that part of his past but I wouldn't listen. I don't regret enlisting. I loved everything about serving my country, the army gave me something I needed. Purpose. And once I explained that to dad, he understood. I needed to be somebody other than Thomas Stone's kid or Austin Stone's brother. I needed my own identity.

After speaking with dad for an hour, I head back to the side of the cemetery and pull my phone out of my pocket. Turning my phone back on I see all sixty missed calls I have form Austin and one text message.

Austin: Whatever you're in the middle of, I hope it was worth not being there for your girl.

I immediately call Austin's phone and he answers on the first ring.

"Not going to tell you shit over the phone, you deserve to fuckin' panic, and don't even think about calling a brother to come and get you. You find your own way to my place. She needs you." With that he hangs up and I stare at my phone in silence.


I check my wallet and see I have just enough money to get to Austin's house if I call a cab. I call one who promises to be here in less than twenty minutes and wait while a thousand different scenarios run through my head of what could have possibly happened to Shawna. I know seeing me the way she did couldn't have been good but Austin made it seem like it was more. Much more than that.

The cab arrives fifteen minutes later and halls ass after I give him the address. I arrive almost thirty minutes later, feeling like the blood in my body is going to explode. On the drive over I felt like ants were attacking me from the inside, causing more and more anxiety. Is she hurt? Did I accidently graze her with a bullet?

Stepping out of the cab, I throw the money in through the window and run up to the front. Most of the brothers are here and I see more and more bikes pulling up. Shit, what happened?

I run inside and stop when I see Candice sitting on the couch holding an ice bag to her head with Lyla sitting down next to her whispering to her. I walk over to her and lean down on my knees. She has a nasty cut above her eyebrow and the right side of her head looks swollen. I haven't seen her like this since the night all that shit happened last year.

"Candy?" I whisper looking over her injuries again and again.

"I'm okay Max. I promise. He only knocked me out."


"Yes." That's all she says and I won't push her for more.

"Babe, where is Shawna?"

"In the guest bedroom. She needs you Max." I nod my head and kiss her forehead where she isn't swollen. I get up and head straight for their guest bedroom.

Austin stands guard right outside her room and when he sees me coming, he sits up straighter and burrows his eyebrows. He's pissed, and he has every right to be.

"You don't get to see her. This was on you Max."

"I won't fight you Austin, but there is no way in hell I'm not going in there to see her. What would you do if it were Candice?"

"It was Candice. It was both of them, and it's on us. I was so busy looking for you, that I didn't put a brother on them. I didn't put protection on them. Once again something going on from the club is affecting my girl and I don't like this."

"I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you all of it, but I need to see her first Austin. Don't make me go through you." Austin stares me down for a moment but eventually lets up. I wouldn't have given up and he knows that. The last thing we need is a fight breaking out when the girls have clearly gone through something already.

"Deal, but Max, the moment you're out of there, I need it all. Tired of playing defense, and this time, this fucker was in my own goddamn house. He hurt my girl, won't let that shit happened again." I nod head and head inside.

Tipping my head inside first, I notice Shawna on the bed under the blankets. She's sitting up and speaking quietly with Shane, whom is sitting on a chair off to the side of the bed. I feel a ting of jealousy at Shane being in here with her, being the one she is confiding in, but I immediately push it down. I have no right to feel anything right now. They both notice me when I open the door wide enough and Shane's face grimaces with anger. Can't say I blame the man.

"Mind if I speak with Shawna."

"Don't know. Think you can do it without being a piece of shit?" I look down in shame. I don't know how much Austin has told the club but I deserve everything they hit me with. I wasn't there for them or my girl and being stubborn about my weakness only made them targets.

"It's okay Shane. I'll be alright." Her voice sounds so weak and soft. She sounds broken, not the strong and fierce woman I know.

Shit, what the hell happened?

Shane gets up at Shawna's request and begins walking past me to the door. He bumps hard into my shoulder and I grip it immediately. Fucker.

"Shane?" Shawna calls out to him causing the both of us to turn to her. "You should talk to her. Trust me, giving her a chance to speak about everything, may just be what you need."

Shane stands there stunned but eventually nods his head and heads out the door. It's no mystery who she was referring to. Shane and Lyla are still beating around the bush about their break up but it's apparent they are both miserable. They haven't told anyone what the hell happened between them, but I hope for both their sakes they get through it.

"Max?" I turn to Shawna and slowly drag my feet over to her. What I see makes me see red and I refrain from going ballistic and wanting to destroy everything around me.

Shawna's face is swollen. Her eyes both puffy from crying and red rimmed. Her hair is messy and some of it has some chunks missing. She has some serious busing around her neck and if I lean in close enough I can see some fingermarks.

Mother fucker.


"Just, please Max. Just hold me. Don't speak, just hold me. Can you do that?" I nod my head and reach down to lay in bed with her.

It takes some adjusting but she gets comfortable enough to lay her head on my chest while I soothe her with my words. She cries as I tell her everything will be alright and how I won't let anything every happen to her again. I feel her squeeze my arms, my shirt, my neck, attempting to get closer to me as if she can't get enough. My heart breaks for the woman that has been through what she has. I hate that I wasn't there for her, so if she needs me to cuddle and lay next to her while she lets it all out, I will do that for her.

Shawna's breathing finally evens out as we lay there in bed. I assume she is asleep until she lifts herself up and scoots over. I hate that she is putting distance between us, but I can't blame her. I've put not only distance between us but fear. She has every right to protect herself. Even if it is from me.

"I'm so sorry Shawna. I can't believe I.." I look down in shame. I pointed a fuckin' gun at her and fired a shot above her head. Anyone who did that to her would normally be dead. What the hell does that make me?

"Max, we need to talk. About a lot."

"I know we do babe, but I need you to tell me what happened last night."

"Austin didn't tell you?"

"No babe. I have no idea what happened. I knew you were hurt because Candice told me but I don't know the details. Soon as I found out I ran over."

Shawna's eyes break out with more tears and I clutch her tight to my body. I can feel her shaking and want to kill whoever the hell is fucking with no only my club, but my girl.

"Oh Max, it was awful, someone came in and."

Before she could finish, Austin breaks into the door with a panic to his voice causing me to jump off the bed.

"Emergency at the compound. Gotta go."

"Who's staying with the girls." I ask, hating how I have to leave Shawna but knowing my club needs me as well. She's safe here and I know Austin wouldn't leave Candice unless something was really up.

"Shane, Torque and Miles. Also got Bone and Slice outside." I nod my head then tell Austin I'll meet him out front.

"Sorry Shawna I've got to go. You know I wouldn't if I didn't have to."

"I know, be careful and don't worry about us. We'll be fine." I nod my head not exactly convinced but know for now I have no choice. I know when I get back we will have a lot to talk about and when all this shit is over, when it's all said and done? I'm getting the help I need and getting back my girl. Past be damned.

Austin meets me outside and I'm relieved to find my bike here. He must have had Bone bring it over because I can see his truck here. I hop on, start it up and head up front with Austin. Once he pulls off I'm right behind him.

We arrive at the compound not half an hour later and that's when I see what Austin referred to as an emergency.

There are police squad cars everywhere. Some marked, some unmarked and several groups walking around our clubhouse. I see a few brothers off to the side being detained and questioned and plenty of suits walking around taking pictures and writing notes. There are cops putting some of our shit in plastic bags while others stand around starring daggers at us.

We park and hop off, me right behind Austin and stop just before we reach Timmons. Shit is starting to stink around here and every time I take a big whiff, he's right fuckin' there. Shit isn't adding up.

"Sorry gentlemen. There was a tip about some drugs being stored here. Because this is the third tip in the last few weeks, it gave us enough probable cause to enter. Because of your guys' records and Dipp just being released a couple of weeks ago, we didn't need a warrant. My hands were tied on this one."

"This is bullshit and you know it Timmons." Austin shouts at him causing a few cops to look over to us and even more to begin moving to us. I grab my brother knowing we need to play it cool. We all know they won't find shit anyways.

"Look I told you guys about people sniffing around here lately. Thought you guys would have fuckin' handled it by now." He states crossing his arms at his chest I narrow my eyes when one of his sleeves rolls up and I see bruising along his forearm.

Timmons notices my gaze and quickly shifts his clothes in proper place. I ignore his unusual demeanor and continue to pull Austin to the side.

"Fuck." He shouts and Timmons begins telling his guys to stand down.

"Aus. You have to cool it man. They are just fuckin' itching for something to break out right now. If we give them that then they have every right to arrest us. Or worse. We still don't know who the enemy is, and in the meantime, let's not act like it's them."

Austin takes a few deep breaths then looks over at me with a smirk.

"Good to have you back jackass."

"Good to be back fuckhead."

I slap his chest and he nods his head. The two of us walk back over to Timmons and await our fate. Ten minutes later Austin isn't the only one ready to rock. One of the officers comes out with at least a pound of cocaine in his possession and all hell breaks loose.

Gun are being pointed in every direction, people are shouting and yelling and normally I would be set into a different zone but my mind continues to think of Shawna and how I've already failed her. This isn't easy, being targeted without defending myself, but I won't give in. Not when she needs me.

"Fuckin' cool it. They are on the ground with their hands up. Lower your weapons. Now." Timmons shouts and everything becomes more quiet and calm.

Timmons walk over to where Austin and I are and whispers low enough for the two of us to hear him.

"Tell me you don't have guns on you or in there."

"No, soon as we saw the squad cars, we gave them to a prospect to take somewhere else. There might be some in there, but they are all registered to Max." Austin answers.

Fuck, thank God we had the right state of mind to ditch our guns just before we got here.

Some officers walk over and place us in handcuffs while another reads us our Miranda rights. I know now is the time for me to finally get to the bottom of this. Whoever is behind all this shit, wants us arrested but why? What's the point of us being in jail? I push away from the guy pushing Austin and I into the squad car and say something I'm not sure is stupid or the most brilliant plan ever.

"It's mine. It's my cocaine. No one else's." Timmons looks shocked and I rush over to him making sure I'm doing this right. "That means you have to let them go. It's mine Timmons. Arrest me, and only me."

I can briefly hear Austin and the other brothers protesting saying that this is bullshit and that it was obviously planted there but I'm too busy listening to Timmons murmur to himself.

"Great. You're not the one he wanted." Then before I know it. I'm in a squad car with my hands tied behind my back and on my way to jail.