Chapter 59


No signal.

Of course not.

Placing my phone back into my pocket I cross my arms and lean further back into my bike. Closing my eyes, I lean my head up towards the sun, soaking in the small amount of heat we have until the clouds cover it once again. Winter in New York doesn't always get cold but gloomy for sure and I for one, can't wait until we got some heat back in our lives.

"Alright man, I'm ready." I look towards Dipp as he comes back up from the bush he was pissing in. Austin had woke me up earlier this morning, just before the sun came up, and told me he wanted me on a run. Dipp and Ghost were already on their bikes by the time I walked out of the clubhouse.

"Got no signal." Ghost chimes in from behind me and I ignore him. I should have left Abby a message letting her know I was on a run since she most likely already woke up but being on the road for almost three hours made it impossible and when we were finally ready to take a break, there's no service.