Chapter 58


"Why would you torture me this way?" Shawna asks from her spot on the floor. I look down and see she has abandoned her sitting still, a normal for Shawna, and has now started snooping under Chance's bed.

"How am I torturing you?" I smile at as her ass bobs up and down. "You know you can't fit under there right?"

"Are you calling me fat?" She pops up, blowing the few strands of her dark hair out of her face.


"Well okay then." She smiles then leans down to finish her snooping. "He's got to have something in here that will intrigue me."

I tried. I really did, but when she told me she was here to wait for Max, and that she wanted to snoop in Chance's room, I knew there was no stopping her. Shawna isn't necessarily the kind of force to be stopped easily.

"And how am I torturing you?"