Chapter 3


My detestable alarm blared and I scrambled to shut it up. Silencing it, I flopped back into bed, tempted to roll over and go back to sleep. A large furry lump wedged behind me, however, foiled that plan.

'Audrey,' I growled.

The bed quivered while Audi half wagged her tail and whined in contrition, she knew full well that the bed was out of bounds.

'Get off!'

She tumbled off the bed then did a silly frantic run around the room. I sat up and glared at her. Huntaways; they're adorable dogs, very smart and loyal, and the cutest puppies you'll ever see, but neurotic. Casting another glare her way I climbed out of bed and found my running gear, making my way to the kitchen a few minutes later with Audi urging me on. Kassie was bent over the dishwasher when I entered, her head a mass of dark curls.

'Morning, early bird,' I drawled, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl.

Her head snapped up at my entrance, hazel eyes just visible through her hair before she brushed it back. 'Cat, I thought you were out already?'

'Nope. Nearly though, I'll be back by eight thirty so it should give me enough time to get ready.'

'It better! It's all your fault I'm up at seven on a Saturday and I don't want to have to wait around for you.' She gave me a steely look and ducked back toward her bedroom with Lucky draped around her shoulders. I wrinkled my nose at her retreating form. The two years between us occasionally felt like a decade, especially first thing in the morning. Audrey whined impatiently.

'Coming.' I swallowed the last of my banana and snatching her leash and my parka from the hook, clipped her on and off we went.

When we returned, we found Sian occupying the kitchen, the frypan sizzling with bacon and the smell made my mouth water. I raced for the shower with my stomach rumbling. Audi disappeared to look for Lucky, her morning snuggle pal once Kassie vacated the bed. While rinsing my hair out, I heard Loi yell.

'Hellooo? Anyone up yet?'

I stepped out of the shower and hurriedly dried off and dressed then made my way to the kitchen, grabbed a plate and joined the others at the table.

An hour later and we trawled through the racks at the shop, holding anything of interest up so the others could comment.

'How bout this?'

We turned to see Kassie holding a cute plaid skirt. I stared at the skirt, trying to recall any fantasy character who wore one.

'As who?' I called.

'A schoolgirl.'

Sian, Loi and I started laughing.

'Not that sort of fantasy, Kass. Think make-believe or fairy-tales.'

Loi shook her head and winked at me. Kassie grew up in Malaysia so English wasn't her first language and sometimes things got lost in translation.

'What are you thinking?' Sian called to me from a couple of rows over.

'Maybe an elven character? Like from the Lord of the Rings,' I frowned while I looked over a couple of pieces. 'I'm not sure if I'll go as a particular character, I think I'll just make it look fantasy-ish. Good thing I have the boots already.' A groan rose from the three of them and I feigned innocence. 'What? They're the perfect style.'

'We're gonna have to bury you in those boots aren't we, Cat?' Kassie said sarcastically.

'Yes, and I expect an open casket so everyone can admire them.' I wrinkled my nose at her.

Sian started laughing. 'Oh God I just had the best visual of you as a little old lady in a coffin with a mini-skirt and thigh-highs.'

'What if we got them cremated and put in a box beside you?' suggested Loi with a wicked gleam.

'Not all of us are five eight, Miss Loi. I like my legs looking long and slim.'

Not that I could complain when standing next to Kass and Sian, at five foot five my legs looked fine. My gorgeous black suede, thigh high, boots however, made them look that much longer and sexier, a guaranteed head turner. Considering what they'd cost me last year I needed to get as much wear as possible out of them.


Sian glanced up wondering what Kassie had found this time. A deep red dress hung from the clothes-hanger, strapless and knee length with a split up one leg.

'That's gorgeous,' Cat said. 'I know! Jessica Rabbit! We can dye her hair red.'

'Don't want to be the only red-head?' teased Loi.

Cat gave her a look. 'I love being the only red-head thank you, but I'm too tall for that size.'

It'd be nice to be too tall for something, thought Sian. Most of the time she had to shop in the children's section. Might have to do that now, she thought when she looked at the meagre selection left on the size six rack. Then she spotted it.

Hell yes!

'Look,' squealed Sian. 'Lookee!'

LOI STARED AT THE ITEM Sian clutched at, gushing in delight. A black pleather romper suit, with baggy legs that gathered at the ankle and slim arms that led into a short turtleneck. Loi couldn't stop staring at the item, wondering what the heck her friend would do with something so unflattering. Out of the four of them Sian always had the most daring and usually sexy costumes.

But this?

'Siany,' Loi hesitated. 'What are you going to do with it?'

SIAN STARED AT THE THREE gob-smacked faces of her friends. What's their problem? She looked at the item with fresh eyes. No. Surely, they wouldn't think she'd actually wear it like that to the party?

SIAN GAVE US A LOOK. It read, "You're idiots."

'I'm going to turn it into a death dealer's costume.'

'Oooohh,' we chorused in recognition.

'Awesome idea,' I enthused. I knew Sian loved the Underworld vampire movies and with her petite figure she could easily pull the look off. I threw the items I'd selected in Loi's trolley and went to help Sian look for leather pieces to create the corset.

'Hurry guys,' Kassie called. 'We've only got an hour before class starts.'

Ugh, jujitsu on a Saturday. I resisted the urge to bail and scooted over to the leather section where Sian hunted through the rack.

Later that evening while Kassie and Sian watched some hospital drama on TV, I sketched ideas for my costume and Loi's. Loi had found a stunning pair of black leather pants at the shop and decided to go as Anna from Van Helsing. This meant Sian and I, as the two in our group who owned sewing machines, got to turn a beautiful red thick velvet skirt into Anna's jacket. The design wasn't hard; I just wanted to emulate the look not copy it and now I frowned over the sketches of my own costume.

Not too bad, perhaps if I shape the top more, give it a racer-back look to show off my shoulders. I enhanced the lines with my pencil. Perfect! It'll stop my upper arms looking chunky. Actually, that's a thought, armbands could look good too. The TV flicked to a commercial.