Chapter 4

'THAT NEW DOCTOR IS SO cute.' Sian sighed and glanced at Kassie and Cat. 'Why aren't there any guys like that around here?'

'The guys around here are scrawny enough to make you look fat,' replied Cat, eyes glued to her sketch pad.

Kassie snorted and winked at Sian. 'She's right. What happened to all the built guys? I don't want a guy who looks better than I do in skinny jeans.'

Sian nodded in agreement and leaned back on the couch. There's been a real lack of decent male specimens lately, she thought while idly watching the TV commercials; wonder how we can find them?

KASSIE LEANED OVER AND SNATCHED one of Cat's sketches. Loi's jacket will look gorgeous, she thought, impressed.

'Siany, are you and Cat really going to make this?' Kassie glanced up.

Sian gave no response, eyes focused on the TV while a loud toilet cleaner commercial played.

'Sian?' Still nothing. 'Sianus Rachel Price!'

Sian's head snapped up. 'What?'

I GIGGLED AT SIAN'S STUNNED expression. 'Where were you, Siany?'

'Yeah?' Kassie asked curiously. 'What were you thinking about?'

'Boys. I mean an idea. How would you feel about casting a love spell?'

'A spell?' I tried not to sound too dubious. Sian's practiced witchcraft for years; it didn't surprise me that she would suggest such a thing but she'd never invited us to join in before.


Sian resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 'Of course.'

'What sort of love spell?' Cat sounded unsure. 'Not one where we just have all the males of the species attracted to us? 'Cause that's never an issue.'

CATHERINE THE MODEST, THOUGHT KASSIE in amusement. She exchanged a glance with Sian who, after a pause, continued.

'No, nothing vague. Something to attract the right person for each of us,' Sian explained. 'The four of us actually cover the elements. I'm Cancer, that's water, you're Leo, Cat, which is fire. Kassie, you're Geminiair and Loi's Taurus, so we have earth. It's perfect. We'll really be able to make something happen.'

Neither Kassie nor Cat said anything at first but Kassie could see Cat didn't look too concerned. Sian watched them both anxiously.

What the heck, thought Kassie, it can't hurt and she spoke up for them both. 'You plan it, we'll participate.'

Sian grinned and they settled back down to watch TV while she jotted down notes.

I ARRIVED AT WORK FIRST thing in the morning and did my usual mad dash around the office. Distributing mail, putting dishes away, cleaning the kitchen and made sure the meeting rooms looked tidy. Once done, I grabbed my make-up bag and headed to the bathroom. In the midst of careful mascara application, the door burst open and I jumped.


'Sorry,' Emma said with a laugh. 'I'm just running a bit late; did you have a good weekend?'

'Yeah, but it flew by like usual. We went shopping for fantasy pieces for a costume party we're going to next weekend.'

'Oh fun. What are you gonna wear?'

I explained the basic concept and mentioned my idea of making or buying armbands to go with it.

She nodded with a thoughtful expression. 'Wait, wait, oh I remember! I saw stuff that would work for armbands in that ethnic store, the one by the second hand book shop with the ferret.'

'Really? I'll have to have a look at lunch.'

Great, hopefully the shop will have something suitable. Then it's just Loi's jacket to finish. With Sian busy on the corset for her costume I knew I'd end up creating the jacket. At lunchtime I wandered up Cuba Street, peering through shop windows for inspiration. I came to the shop Emma mentioned and walked in.

'Can I help you?' queried the shop girl.

'I'm looking for something to finish off a costume,' I explained. 'An armband? Or something ethnic looking? It's for a Lord of the Rings style of costume.'

'We have some things that would work-Ooo! No, I know!' She ducked out the back and retrieved an item. 'Would these work?' She offered a pair of copper colored daggers to me; they had short belt straps to tie them on.

'Yes! They'll be perfect, are they real?'

'Oh they're blunted, of course.'

The shop assistant wrapped them in tissue paper while I counted out the notes, reworking my weekly budget in my headperfect, yes, but not cheap. After thanking her I headed out then paused in front of the book store next door while my inner voices argued.

You don't really need any more books, Cat, pointed out my rational voice.

A quick peek can't hurt, countered my silly voice.

No buying, retaliated the rational voice sternly.

I pushed through the door setting the jangling chime off and took my time while wandering along the musty smelling aisles, gazing over the motley collection.

Then I spotted it.

Easing the thick book out from the bottom of a pile, I dusted off the worn green leather with a grimace. It could do with a good clean, I thought, wiping my fingers on my jacket before squinting at the title. The beautiful, once gilded script made the words difficult to decipher and I traced a finger over the letters, reading it in my mind.

'To Improve your Time, Space and Place'

Two tired looking tan leather straps with brass buckles tarnished to a dull gray brown held it closed and I lay it on a table to unfasten them. With gentle hands I turned the cover, trying not to damage the yellowed, brittle pages and studied the contents. A spell book, I thought in fascination, it looks so authentic too. Sian would love to read this. I hesitated at the idea of buying it but couldn't resist, how often did you find books like this? I ignored the rational voice that protested against the purchase and carried it to the bored looking teenager manning the till.

Hurrying back to work, I heard my phone beep with a message. It was from Sian.

'Coming to archery?'

Drat, forgot I had that tonight. Juggling my parcels to the other arm, I typed back, 'Yes.'