Chapter 5

SIAN DREW IN A BREATH and let it out slow and even while she released the string. The arrow hit the target with a thud. Peering down the range she could see it'd struck bull's-eye.

'Bull's-eye! Nice one,' Cat congratulated her.

'Thanks.' I'm so glad I bought that new bow, Sian thought with a smile. The results make the price worth it.

Cat stood up to the line and drew her bow. Sian watched her friend with pursed lips, waiting for the inevitable. Stubborn is Cat's middle name, she thought again. Cat had bought the bow at a craft fair four months ago, determined to prove that the medieval styled bow was just as good as Sian's modern fiberglass bow. While Cat's bow did look authentic Sian suspected it didn't measure up properly. It took Cat a decent effort to draw and the accuracy-

'Damn!' Cat glared down the range.

SIAN LAUGHED AT ME. 'I don't know why you bother with that bow, Cat, it's practically an antique.'

I glanced at her and in a snooty tone replied, 'Because I like feeling authentic.'

She looked sideways at me. 'Authentically crap?'

Laughing I objected. 'I wasn't that far off bull's-eye.'

Our phones beeped simultaneously and Sian yanked hers from her pocket, reading aloud. 'Hey guys want to come to practice? We haven't got many here. Fancy rounding out archery with a little sword fighting?' She arched an eyebrow at me.

'Sounds good! You pack the bows and I'll get the arrows.'

Loi acted as an assistant instructor at the kenjutsu class our sensei taught. Though Sian and I didn't actually take the class, we had fun joining in occasionally. Kassie, who did attend the classes, always enjoyed sparring with us and showing off her skills.

Later that evening we lay sprawled in the lounge watching TV. Loi had decided to stay over and we'd made a night of it, ordering pizza and hauling out the sleeping bags to camp out in the lounge like kids. I went to hop up.

'Ouch!' It felt like I'd pulled another muscle, or two. Fun.

'What's wrong, Cat? Old age getting to you,' Kassie teased.

'Nooo,' I said in a shocked tone. 'I'm only twenty-five remember.'

The others sniggered.

'Nope, I think I've been doing too much. Kenjutsu is lots of fun but with archery and running too, there's no way I could properly attend class.'

Sian nodded in agreement then turned to Loi. 'Besides this way we have two archery experts and two swordsmen.'

I snorted and Sian's grin widened.

'Don't be too hard on yourself, Cat,' she teased, ducking the pillow I hurled. 'You're not that bad.'

'Oh,' I exclaimed. 'I forgot!'

I ran to my room and retrieved my day's purchases.

'What do you think of these for my costume?' I gave Loi and Kassie a dagger each.

'They're ideal, Cat,' Kassie examined the one she had.

'Are those real blades?' Loi sounded disconcerted.

'They're blunted,' I assured her. 'And anyway I'm good with a blade.'

'That's what concerns me,' she muttered giving me a wink while the others laughed.

'What's this, Cat?'


Sian had the book I'd bought in her hands and wore a perplexed expression as she turned it over slowly.

'I found that at the ferret bookshop. Isn't it gorgeous? I think it might be a spell book.'

Sian's eyebrows shot up and she wrestled with the buckles, opening the book and thumbing through it with small sounds of excitement. I flinched at the rough handling then inwardly shrugged; it wasn't like I'd know what to do with the contents.

My week seemed to vanish as I squeezed in any time possible to work on the costumes. By Saturday afternoon the house looked like a pigsty as we raced around, tripping over Audi and each other, trying to get ready. In the end I chased Audi out the back and went to check on Loi's hair. I'd spent the good part of an hour setting it in rollers. It should have dried by now, hopefully.

I guess I can blast it with the hairdryer if necessary.


Loi strutted down the corridor toward me fully clad in her costume and she looked amazing. The leather pants hugged her curves and the jacket sat perfectly over a white peasant top and a shiny black corset belt.

I giggled when I reached her head. 'Let's get those rollers out, Loi. They so don't go with your look.'

Soon she had a mass of ebony ringlets hanging past her shoulders. It looked stunning and I felt a pang of envy.

'C'mon, Sian's got the hairspray and we don't want them dropping.'

When we entered Sian's room, she tottered out of the closet struggling with her corset zip.


'Hold on,' I stood behind her and drew the zip up. It fit beautifully. 'Look at you, Sianus. A perfect tiny Selene.'

She beamed at us, then handed me a short black wig, 'Help?' and bent her head forward. I fitted the front to her forehead then flipped it over. Snatching a couple of hair pins from the dresser, I slid them into place.

'Give your head a gentle shake,' I instructed. She complied and the wig stayed put. Great! Two costumes complete, just two to go. I headed for the bathroom to see how Kassie had managed.

'Uh-uh, shoo!' Sian ushered me out. 'I'll sort out Kassie's hair, you go get dressed. We have to leave in half an hour.'

Yikes! When had it got that late? The easy day I'd envisioned had vanished with sorting out their costumes first.

'Thanks,' I called as I walked to my room.

My own costume had been simple to create in the end. Fitted tan pants that tucked into my boots and then a moss green top I'd fashioned out of a dress. I'd shaped the top so it fitted well and had a low V neck with racer-back shoulders. The shade of green enhanced my eyes and showcased my pale skin and red hair. A bronze singlet added underneath meant I didn't freeze; winter in Wellington is icy. Setting the straightening iron to heat, I hunted through my jewellery box for earrings, selecting a pretty pair of gold leaves with enamelled sections in blue and green.

Loi hollered for me just as I finished straightening my hair so I grabbed my keys from the dresser and headed out behind them. It started to rain as we drove off. I clicked the window wipers on while the others chatted.

'Hey guys,' Sian spoke up. 'How do you feel about casting a spell tonight? After the party?'

'I didn't realize you'd found a spell,' I said in surprise.

'I FOUND ONE IN THAT book you bought. It's to create the perfect conditions in which to meet your soul mate.' The girls paused, visibly considering. Sian mentally crossed her fingers; please don't chicken out.

'Why not?' Kassie winked at her in the rear-view mirror. 'Sounds like a fun end to the night.'

Loi and Cat nodded in agreement. Excellent, Sian thought in relief and ran through the ritual in her mind again, double checking all the details.